This is a one-time task.
In a terminal, type:
mkdir out
cd out
cmake ..
Open the file bulls_and_cows.sln in the newly created sub-directory out.
- bulls_and_cows_lib is the library that contains most of the code
- bulls_and_cows_prg is the executable program that uses the library and launches the game
- bulls_and_cows_ut is the executable program that uses the library and runs the unit tests
- In the sub-directory src/bulls_and_cows_lib:
- In the file game.cpp, implement the body of the function bulls_and_cows::user_plays_against_computer
- In the file board.cpp define the functions that are declared in board.hpp and use them to implement bulls_and_cows::user_plays_against_computer
- In the sub-directory src/bulls_and_cows_ut:
- In the file board_test.cpp, try enabling/modifying the unit tests that were disabled
- Try adding some additional unit tests
- In the sub-directory src/bulls_and_cows_lib:
- In the file game.cpp, implement the body of the function bulls_and_cows::configure_game_options
- In the file game_options.cpp define the functions that are declared in game_options.hpp and use them to implement bulls_and_cows::configure_game_options
- In the sub-directory src/bulls_and_cows_ut:
- In the file game_options_test.cpp, try enabling/modifying the unit tests that were disabled
- Try adding some additional unit tests
- Use a github account and save your work history in a public github repository
- Check with github actions that your work compiles on Windows and Linux and Mac
- In the sub-directory src/bulls_and_cows_lib:
- In the file game.cpp, implement the body of the function bulls_and_cows::computer_plays_against_computer
- In the file game_solver.cpp define the functions that are declared in game_solver.hpp and use them to implement bulls_and_cows::computer_plays_against_computer
- In the sub-directory src/bulls_and_cows_ut:
- In the file game_solver_test.cpp, try enabling/modifying the unit tests that were disabled
- Try adding some additional unit tests
- Try adding colors (see ANSI escape codes)
- Add anything you think about...
- Readability
- Correctness
- Sources Organization
- Comments
- Unit tests
- ....