Marky is still under development. You can download the latest version from the releases page.
Please not that binaries are not signed. If you need them to be signed you can easily do it with your own certificates.
- Live preview
- GitHub Flavored Markdown support
- Search in Markdown
- Syntax highlighting
- Emoji Support
- Words count
- Resizable panels
- Finder integration (OS X)
Refer to open issues. Also feel free to propose features and report bugs.
$ npm install
$ npm start
Builds app binaries for OS X, Linux, and Windows.
$ npm run build
To build for one platform:
$ npm run build -- [platform]
Where [platform]
is darwin
, linux
, win32
, or all
The following optional arguments are available:
- Sign the application (OS X, Windows)--package=[type]
- Package single output type.deb
- Debian packagezip
- Linux zip filedmg
- OS X disk imageexe
- Windows installerportable
- Windows portable appall
- All platforms (default)
Note: Even with the --package
option, the auto-update files (.nupkg for Windows, * for OS X) will always be produced.
To package the Windows app from non-Windows platforms, Wine needs to be installed.
On OS X, first install XQuartz, then run:
brew install wine
(Requires the Homebrew package manager.)
- (the build script has been basically copy-pasted from there)
MIT. Copyright (c) Alessandro Arnodo.