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Describe the bug (required)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
(root@nebula) [nba_int_vid]> unwind [[1,3,5],[0]] as e return e | yield reduce(s=list[], i IN collect($-.e) | s + i) AS a
| a |
| [1, 3, 5, 0] |
Got 1 rows (time spent 5322/5902 us)
Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:30:40 CST
(root@nebula) [nba_int_vid]> unwind [[1,3,5],[0]] as e return e | yield reduce(s=list[], i IN collect($-.e) | s + i) AS a | yield $-.a
[ERROR (-1009)]: SemanticError: `$-.a', not exist prop `a'
Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:30:48 CST
BUT it's ok for following query:
(root@nebula) [nba_int_vid]> yield 4 as t | yield reduce(s=list[], i IN [$-.t] | s + i) as a
| a |
| [4] |
Got 1 rows (time spent 2330/2827 us)
Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:34:53 CST
(root@nebula) [nba_int_vid]> yield 4 as t | yield reduce(s=list[], i IN [$-.t] | s + i) as a | yield $-.a
| $-.a |
| [4] |
What's the difference between above two queries? It's so confused for me.