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MongoDB Entity Framework Core Provider

The MongoDB EF Core Provider requires Entity Framework Core 8 on .NET 8 or later.

Getting Started

Setup a DbContext with your desired entities and configuration

internal class PlanetDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Planet> Planets { get; init; }

    public static PlanetDbContext Create(IMongoDatabase database) =>
        new(new DbContextOptionsBuilder<PlanetDbContext>()
            .UseMongoDB(database.Client, database.DatabaseNamespace.DatabaseName)

    public PlanetDbContext(DbContextOptions options)
        : base(options)

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

To get going with the DbContext:

var mongoConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONGODB_URI");
var mongoClient = new MongoClient(mongoConnectionString);
var db = PlanetDbContext.Create(mongoClient.GetDatabase("planets"));

Supported Features

Entity Framework Core and MongoDB have a wide variety of features. This provider supports a subset of the functionality available in both, specifically:

  • Querying with Where, Find, First, Single, OrderBy, ThenBy, Skip, Take etc.
  • Top-level aggregates of Any, Count, LongCount
  • Mapping properties to BSON elements using [Column] or [BsonElement] attributes or HasElementName("name") method
  • Mapping entities to collections using [Table("name")] attribute or ToCollection("name") method
  • Single or composite keys of standard types including string, Guid and ObjectId
  • Properties with typical CLR types (int, string, Guid, decimal), Mongo types (ObjectId, Decimal128)
  • Properties containing arrays and lists of simple CLR types
  • Owned entities (aka value types, sub-documents, embedded documents) both directly and within collections
  • BsonIgnore, BsonId, BsonDateTimeOptions, BsonElement and BsonRequired support
  • Value converters using HasConversion
  • Query and update logging including MQL (sensitive mode only)
  • Some mapping configuration options for DateTime


A number of Entity Framework Core features are not currently supported but planned for future release. If you require use of these facilities in the mean-time consider using the existing MongoDB C# Driver's LINQ provider which supports them.

They are:

  • Select projections
  • Sum, Average, Min, Max etc.
  • Transactions
  • Type discriminators
  • Additional mapping configuration options

Not supported but considering for future releases

  • ExecuteUpdate & ExecuteDelete
  • Properties of Dictionary type
  • Binary/byte array properties
  • Additional CLR types (DateOnly, TimeOnly etc).
  • EF shadow properties
  • GroupBy operations
  • Relationships between entities
  • Includes/joins
  • Foreign keys and navigation traversal

Not supported & out-of-scope features

  • Keyless entity types
  • Schema migrations
  • Database-first & model-first
  • Alternate keys
  • Document (table) splitting
  • Temporal tables
  • Spacial data
  • Timeseries
  • Atlas search


Questions/Bug Reports

If you’ve identified a security vulnerability in a driver or any other MongoDB project, please report it according to the instructions here.


Please see our guidelines for contributing to the driver.



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  • C# 99.1%
  • Other 0.9%