Real problems based implementations of standard algorithms and data structures in golang, along with their variations, and decent lectures before taking each step
this effort was made under a workshop instigated by mathematician @mohit-baliyan to init the confidence among his CS students for the ability to render every standard ds and frequently used algorithms in general life coding.
These packages are perfect illustrations of the way these datastructures should be implemented. One can take them as ideal implementations.
For ex.
Selection sort seems pretty useless.
But if the question statement is :
Out a group of students, I want only the smallest one,
then the smallest one left among all, then smallest one from the left ones again : quick sort will seem pretty useless.
As selection sort will give the shortest of all in "n" time complexity one by one.
QuickSort will have to sort all the elements with NlogN, and then will give out just 1.
This repository is filled with information like this, via grace of professor @mohit-baliyan