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EduMIPS64 is a cross-platform visual MIPS64 CPU simulator written in
Java/swing. To learn how it works and how to use it, please refer to the
EduMIPS64 User Manual (in the docs/{en,it}/output/latex directory). This file
is a short guide for developers.


In order to compile EduMIPS64, you need the following tools:
- Java JDK version 1.5 or above (tested only with Sun JDK)
- Apache Ant version 1.8 or above (needed for JUnit 4 tests)

If you need to compile the in-application help, you need:
- Sphinx ( versione 1.0.7 or above
- GNU Make

If you need to compile the PDF manual, you will also need:
- latex / pdflatex

If you need to run unit tests, you will also need:
- JUnit version 4

Main Ant targets

* `jar` build the EduMIPS64 jar package named edumips64-`version`.jar

* `debugjar` build a jar package that contains more debug information

* `clijar` build a jar package containing an experimental CLI front-end to

* `src-release` builds a tar.bz2 file containing the source distribution of

* `tests` runs unit tests; it depends on junit4.jar being added to the
  CLASSPATH environment variable

* `clean` removes the jar files and the build directory

Building the documentation

To build the documentation, as stated before, you need sphinx >= 1.0.7,
GNU/Make and a working installation of latex and pdflatex.

The docs come in two different languages: english (en) and italian (it).

First, cd to the directory containing the sources of the doc to rebuild:

$ cd docs/en/src # or docs/it/src for italian

Then use the following make targets:

* `html` to build the in-app help

* `latexpdf` to build the pdf manual.


Free cross-platform educational MIPS64 CPU Simulator







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