This package is a work-in-progress, and the goal is to keep improving the migration stub: database/migrations/optimize_database_settings.php.stub. At the moment, it only supports SQLite, but I am open to adding support for other database types.
This package publish a migration that will apply good defaults to your SQLite database, making it faster and more production-ready.
Requires PHP 8.2+, SQLite 3.46+ and Laravel 11.0+
You can install the package via Composer:
composer require nunomaduro/laravel-optimize-database --dev
To optimize your SQLite database, you need to run the migration that this package provides:
php artisan db:optimize
This will publish a migration that apply defaults like so:
public function up(): void
DB::statement('PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL');
DB::statement('PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL');
DB::statement('PRAGMA page_size = 32768;');
DB::statement('PRAGMA cache_size = -20000;');
DB::statement('PRAGMA auto_vacuum = incremental;');
DB::statement('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;');
// etc...
Next, you simply need to run the migration:
php artisan migrate
Laravel Optimize Database was created by Nuno Maduro under the MIT license.