- Large collection of coding questions for various topics. Thanks to @loveBabbar for the question set.
- Byte-sized cards to learn on the go.
- Online coding IDE
The Signup Page The Login Page Home Page IDE Page
On clicking the "Creya IDE" card, the user is redirected to the ide page. The user can write code and generate input and output.
Problems Categories
On clicking the "Problems" card, the user is directed to a page with different cards for each problem category.
Problem Statement
The user can chose on any problem and they would be directed to a page with the problem details and Creya IDE. The user can write the code from scratch and test it by providing suitable input.
- Python
- Django Web Framerwork
- MongoDB
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- JavaScript
- User notes for each problem.
- Saving code in user's local storage
- Revision cards