A drowsiness detection application created using mediapipe, streamlit and streamlit-webrtc
This repository contains the app deployment code on streamlit cloud.
To understand more refer to my blogpost: Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Mediapipe In Python | LearnOpenCV
Libraries used:
- Mediapipe face mesh: https://google.github.io/mediapipe/solutions/face_mesh.html
- Streamlit: https://streamlit.io/
- streamlit-webrtc: https://github.com/whitphx/streamlit-webrtc
Streamlit cloud app: https://veb-101-drowsiness-detection-using-mediapipe-stream-main-608lfs.streamlitapp.com/
Note: As the app is hosted on streamlit, it may happen due to resource limits the app is unavailable. Usually, it resets immediately or within 10-15 mins. So you can give it a go after some buffer time.