<img src=“https://travis-ci.org/packetfu/packetfu.svg?branch=master” alt=“Build Status” /> <img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/packetfu/packetfu.png” />
A library for reading and writing packets to an interface or to a libpcap-formatted file.
It is maintained at github.com/packetfu/packetfu .
PacketFu is yard-compatible (as well as sdoc/rdoc, if you prefer). You can generate local documentation easily with either ‘yard doc .` or `sdoc`, and view doc/index.html with your favored browser. Once that’s done, navigate at the top, and read up on how to create a Packet or Capture from an interface with show_live or whatever.
$ rvm gem install pcaprub
Marshall Beddoe’s PcapRub is required only for packet reading and writing from a network interfaces (which is a pretty big only). PcapRub itself relies on libpcap 0.9.8 or later for packet injection. PcapRub also requires root privileges to access the interface directly.
This project is integrated with travis-ci and is regularly tested to work with the following rubies:
To checkout the current build status for these rubies, click here: travis-ci.org/packetfu/packetfu.
PacketFu ships with dozens and dozens of tests, built on Test::Unit. These should give good pointers on how you’re expected to use it. See the /tests directory. Furthermore, PacketFu also ships with packetfu-shell.rb, which should be run via IRB (as root, if you intend to use your interfaces).
PacketFu is maintained primarily by Tod Beardsley todb@packetfu.com and Jonathan Claudius claudijd@yahoo.com, with help from Open Source Land.
See LICENSE for licensing details.