Port.hu is one of the biggest hungarian movie database. This PHP library helps to search for movies and to get informations for a specific movie.
Via Composer
$ composer require polakosz/porthu
use PoLaKoSz\PortHu\MoviePage;
$port = new MoviePage();
// returns a PoLaKoSz\PortHu\Models\PortMovie object
$movie = $port->get( 104833 );
var_dump( $movie );
use PoLaKoSz\PortHu\QuickSearch;
$search = new QuickSearch();
// returns an Array of PoLaKoSz\PortHu\Models\QuickSearchResult object
$movies = $search->get( 'Viskó' );
var_dump( $movies );
$ composer run-all-tests
: runs both integration and regression tests$ composer run-i-tests
: runs only the integration tests (saved webpage parsing)$ composer run-r-tests
: runs only the regression tests (to detect HTML DOM changes in the endpoints - downloads webpage(s) from Port.hu and after try to parse them)