chore(deps): update @google-cloud/firestore to v7 #286
on: push
Build and deploy
10 errors
functions / Build and deploy
Definitions of the following identifiers conflict with those in another file: DocumentFieldValue, DocumentData, PartialWithFieldValue, WithFieldValue, UpdateData, Primitive, NestedUpdateFields, ChildUpdateFields, AddPrefixToKeys, UnionToIntersection, Firestore, GeoPoint, Transaction, BulkWriter, BulkWriterError, WriteBatch, SetOptions, WriteResult, DocumentReference, DocumentSnapshot, QueryDocumentSnapshot, OrderByDirection, WhereFilterOp, Query, QuerySnapshot, DocumentChangeType, CollectionReference, CollectionGroup, QueryPartition, AggregateFieldType, AggregateField, AggregateSpecData, AggregateQuery, AggregateQuerySnapshot, FieldValue, FieldPath, Timestamp, BundleBuilder, v1beta1, v1, OK, CANCELLED, UNKNOWN, INVALID_ARGUMENT, DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, NOT_FOUND, ALREADY_EXISTS, PERMISSION_DENIED, RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, FAILED_PRECONDITION, ABORTED, OUT_OF_RANGE, UNIMPLEMENTED, INTERNAL, UNAVAILABLE, DATA_LOSS, UNAUTHENTICATED, Filter, FirebaseFirestore
functions / Build and deploy
All declarations of 'FirestoreDataConverter' must have identical type parameters.
functions / Build and deploy
Duplicate index signature for type 'string'.
functions / Build and deploy
Generic type 'CollectionReference<T>' requires between 0 and 1 type arguments.
functions / Build and deploy
Generic type 'DocumentReference<T>' requires between 0 and 1 type arguments.
functions / Build and deploy
Generic type 'Query<T>' requires between 0 and 1 type arguments.
functions / Build and deploy
Generic type 'QuerySnapshot<T>' requires between 0 and 1 type arguments.
functions / Build and deploy
Generic type 'DocumentReference<T>' requires between 0 and 1 type arguments.
functions / Build and deploy
Generic type 'DocumentSnapshot<T>' requires between 0 and 1 type arguments.
functions / Build and deploy
Generic type 'AggregateQuery<T>' requires 1 type argument(s).