Releases: vandarpay/cashier
add response body and status to context
1.0.7 feat: add response log
Laravel10 Support
In the latest release of Vandar Cashier, we support laravel 10.
Laravel9 Support
In the latest release of Vandar Cashier, we support laravel 9.
In the latest release of Vandar Cashier, we have fixed our previous bugs and upgraded the internal API for direct debit to version 3.
What's Changed
- [FIX] datetimes are now parsed and sent correctly to Vandar APIs
- [CHORE] Internal Direct Debit APIs have been upgraded to version 3
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.0.4
- Cashier no longer checks a mandate's status when verifying callback,
What's Changed
- documentation: added documentation for error handling
- fix: updating non-init mandate is no longer allowed
- fix: initialized-only mandates can now be revoked without any interactions with Vandar
- fix: attempting to revoke an inactive mandate doesn't cause an error anymore
- refactor: legacy controller classes have been removed
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2
What's Changed
- fix: add ability to revoke initialized-only mandate by @WiGeeky in #16
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
v1.0.0 Stable Release
This is Vandar Cashier's first stable release. All documentation has been tested several times and is known to work quite well. Further technical and more user-friendly documentation will be coming soon!
- Added ability to create user dependant and independent IPG
- Added full implementation of Vandar Direct Debit services
- Added basic technical documentation on README
The project has been thoroughly tested and is known to work correctly, further found bugs will be fixed in minor revisions, for best results, set your requirement on composer.json to ^1.0
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.5...v1.0.0-beta.6
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.4...v1.0.0-beta.5