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Two-phase (2PC) and three-phase (3PC) protocols implementaion in Golang


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Two-phase (2PC) and three-phase (3PC) protocols implementaion in Golang. Committer uses BadgerDB for persistence.

protocols description:


All config parameters may be specified via command-line flags

flag description default example
role role of the node (coordinator of follower) follower -role=coordinator
nodeaddr node address localhost:3050 -nodeaddr=localhost:3051
coordinator coordinator address "" -coordinator=localhost:3050
committype two-phase or three-phase commit mode three-phase -committype=two-phase
timeout timeout after which the message is considered unacknowledged (only for three-phase mode, because two-phase is blocking by design) 1000 -timeout=500
dbpath database path on filesystem ./badger -dbpath=/tmp/badger
withtrace use distributed tracer or not (true/false) false -withtrace=true
followers comma-separated list of followers' addresses "" -followers=localhost:3052,localhost:3053,localhost:3053
whitelist comma-separated list of allowed hosts -whitelist=,

example follower:

./committer -withtrace=false -role=follower -nodeaddr=localhost:3001 -committype=three-phase -timeout=1000 -dbpath=/tmp/badger/follower

example coordinator:

./committer -withtrace=false -role=coordinator -nodeaddr=localhost:3000 -followers=localhost:3001 -committype=three-phase -timeout=1000 -dbpath=/tmp/badger/coordinator


Hooks for requests checking on Propose and Commit stage. It's just a function that receives *pb.ProposeRequest or *pb.CommitRequest and returns true or false. Function body incorporate all validation logic.

Example hooks can be found at hooks/src/hooks.go.

You can replace code in the hooks/src/hooks.go file used by committer to inject your validation logic into the handlers.


Start Zipkin:

docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin

Set --withtrace true command-line flag or withtrace: true config option in config file before starting committer.

Start committer, open http://localhost:9411/zipkin

Example trace with 3 followers and 1 coordinator

make show-trace -j

open http://localhost:9411/zipkin/dependency

tracer tracer


functional tests: make tests

Testing with example client

compile executables:

make prepare

run coordinator:

make run-example-coordinator

run follower in another shell:

make run-example-follower

run example client:

go run ./examples/client/client.go

Planned Implement a flexible transaction log mechanism. Current in-mem implementation is not reliable.