- Real-time preview
right in neovim - Inline preview in markdown code block
NOTE: The function relies on the PlantUML Web Server's service, so you have to be connected. Thus, it may be unsafe.
Require Neovim >= 0.11
keys = { { '<Leader>up', function() require('plantuml-preview').toggle() end }, desc = 'Preview plantuml' },
opts = {},
Make sure you have called require('plantuml-preview').setup()
before you use the plugin!
-- default configuration
markdown = {
enabled = true, -- whether to enable inline preview
hl_group = 'Normal', -- highlight group for the preview
win_opts = { -- config which will be passed to `vim.api.nvim_open_win`
split = 'right',
win = 0,
style = 'minimal',
: toggle the preview