a robot based on Lego 42065 Tracked Racer and the Beaglbone Blue
Using various nodes:
- differential driver node using the onboard motor ports
- publisher for IMU messages from MPU9250
- range sensor vl53l0x_driver
- for basic navigation move_basic package by UbiquityRobotics
roslaunch fidi_robot fidi.launch
- loads model urdf/model.urdf
- creates static transform base_link -> imu_link
- launches vl53l0x_driver
- launches IMU node
Max speed(linear velocity): 0,364 m/s @ duty cycle 0,8 (to not overload the motor controller with the Lego PF L motors)
Max angular velocity based on max speed: 5,6 rad/s @ 0,364 m/s and wheelbase 0,13
- ~left_motor = 3
- ~right_motor = 4
- ~timeout = 5
- ~maxspeed = 0.364
- ~minspeed = 0.137
- ~wheelbase = 0.13
- ~turnspeed = 1
- ~duty_factor = 1
rosrun bbblue_drivers diff_motor_driver _left_motor:=3 _right_motor:=4 _minspeed:=0.137 _maxspeed:=0.364 _duty_factor:=2.2 _wheelbase:=0.17
Publish to cmd_vel manually
rostopic pub -1 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 0]'
rosrun move_basic move_basic _min_angular_velocity:=2.8 _max_angular_velocity:=10
Publish simple navigation target
180 degree turn
rostopic pub -1 /move_base_simple/goal geometry_msgs/PoseStamped "header:
seq: 1
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: 'base_link'
x: 0.0
y: 0
z: 0.0
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 1
w: 0.0 "
https://kofler.info/bluetooth-konfiguration-im-terminal-mit-bluetoothctl/ bluetoothctl scan on pair trust connect
sudo apt install ros-melodic-joy ros-melodic-teleop-twist-joy
rosparam set joy_node/dev "/dev/input/js0"
rosrun joy joy_node
nintendo joy-con (L)
rosrun teleop_twist_joy teleop_node _axis_linear:=4 _axis_angular:=5 _scale_angular:=3 _enable_button:=15
The Beaglebone Blue has no display port. So for visualization an aditional system is required.
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://beaglebone:11311
Starting rviz after exporting the MASTER
rviz has issues with other localizations. (no model shown) export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"
red - x green - y blue -z