This repository provides CloudFormation templates helping to configure Vertice Cloud Cost Optimization infrastructure in your account, including:
- an IAM role allowing Vertice platform to access your resources,
- an S3 bucket to store Cost and Usage Reports (CUR), and
- a Cost and Usage Report definition.
We also offer Terraform configuration of the same at VerticeOne/terraform-aws-vertice-integration, which supports a more fine-tuned configuration of permissions granted to Vertice in your account.
The Vertice governance CloudFormation template is published to the following S3 address:
To deploy it, create a new CloudFormation Stack,
providing the URL above as the --template-url
parameter (or Amazon S3 URL
in the AWS console).
As documented in this upstream issue,
the AWS CUR functionality is limited to the us-east-1
region. Therefore,
we recommend deploying this template to that region to ensure smooth operation.
supports the following values:
(CUR with S3 bucket should be configured in the account);member
(IAM role should be allowed to monitor your AWS services); orcombined
resources should be set up).
Unique identifier for the Vertice platform to assume the IAM role in your account.
The creation of specific resources is further controlled by the
BillingReportCreate, BillingBucketCreate and VerticeIAMRoleCreate
parameters. The BillingBucketName will usually also need to be provided.
Please see the Parameters
section of the template for further details.