# Installation
## Setup VTR3 Directories
Create the following directories in your local filesystem. Later they will be mapped to the docker container.
export VTRROOT=~/ASRL # (INTERNAL default) root directory of VTR3
# you can change the following directories to anywhere appropriate
export VTRSRC=${VTRROOT}/vtr3 # source code of VTR3
export VTRDEPS=${VTRROOT}/deps # system dependencies of VTR3
export VTRTEMP=${VTRROOT}/temp # temporary data directory for testing
mkdir -p ${VTRSRC} ${VTRTEMP} ${VTRDEPS}
Reference: https://github.com/utiasASRL/vtr3/wiki/Installation-Guide
Also to your local filesystem, so that you don't have to access them from within the docker container.
cd ${VTRSRC}
git clone git@github.com:utiasASRL/vtr3.git .
git checkout 6d64daa # commit hash specified by radar_topometric_localization
git submodule update --init --remote
Reference: https://github.com/utiasASRL/vtr3/wiki/Installation-Guide
This package contains testing code for lidar and radar pipeline. Download it do your local filesystem.
git clone git@github.com:utiasASRL/boreas_vtr_wrapper.git
cd boreas_vtr_wrapper
git checkout aeva_cov_interp
git clone git@github.com:utiasASRL/pyboreas.git
cd pyboreas
git checkout localization_eval
This builds a image that has all dependencies installed.
cd ${VTRSRC}
docker build -t vtr3_<your_name> \
--build-arg USERID=$(id -u) \
--build-arg GROUPID=$(id -g) \
--build-arg USERNAME=$(whoami) \
--build-arg HOMEDIR=${HOME} .
Reference: https://github.com/utiasASRL/vtr3/wiki/EXPERIMENTAL-Running-VTR3-from-a-Docker-Container
Install nvidia docker runtime first: https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-container-runtime/
docker run -dit --rm --name vtr3 \
--privileged \
--network=host \
--gpus all \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v ${HOME}:${HOME}:rw \
-v ${HOME}/ASRL:${HOME}/ASRL:rw vtr3_<your_name>
FYI: to start a new terminal with the existing container: docker exec -it vtr3 bash
Reference: https://github.com/utiasASRL/vtr3/wiki/EXPERIMENTAL-Running-VTR3-from-a-Docker-Container
Start a new terminal and enter the container
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash # source the ROS environment
cd ${VTRSRC}/main
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to vtr_lidar vtr_radar vtr_radar_lidar
wait until it finishes.
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
source ${VTRSRC}/main/install/setup.bash # source the vtr3 environment
cd ~/ASRL/boreas_vtr_wrapper # go to where this repo is located
colcon build --symlink-install
wait until it finishes.
Note that whenever you change any code in the vtr3 repo, you need to re-compile and re-install, do this by re-running the colcon build ....
command for both vtr3 and then vtr_testing. Always wait until build process on vtr3 finishes before running the build command for vtr_testing.
Within the running container, create a virtual environment at ${VTRROOT}
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate # activate this environment
Install pyboreas localization_eval
cd <where you downloaded pyboreas to>
pip install -e .
pip install pyyaml
pip install pandas
First launch RVIZ for visualization:
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash # source the ROS environment
ros2 run rviz2 rviz2 -d ${VTRSRC}/rviz/radar.rviz # launch rviz
Then in another terminal, launch rqt_reconfigure
for control. Currently supported dynamic reconfigure parameters: control_test.play
and control_test.delay_millisec
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
ros2 run rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
export VTRRROOT=${VTRROOT}/boreas_vtr_wrapper # location of this repository CHANGE THIS!
export VTRRDATA=${VTRDATA}/boreas/sequences # dataset location (where the boreas-xxxxx folders at) CHANGE THIS!
export VTRRRESULT=${VTRTEMP}/radar/boreas # default result location
mkdir -p ${VTRRRESULT}
source ${VTRRROOT}/install/setup.bash
# Choose a Teach (ODO_INPUT) and Repeat (LOC_INPUT) run from boreas dataset
bash ${VTRRROOT}/src/vtr_testing_radar/script/test_odometry.sh ${ODO_INPUT}
bash ${VTRRROOT}/src/vtr_testing_radar/script/test_odometry_eval.sh ${ODO_INPUT}
bash ${VTRRROOT}/src/vtr_testing_radar/script/test_localization.sh ${ODO_INPUT} ${LOC_INPUT}
# Evaluation:
bash ${VTRRROOT}/src/vtr_testing_radar/script/test_localization_eval.sh ${ODO_INPUT}
Assuming you want to run odometry or localization for all test sequences in parallel.
Inside the script
folder of all three testing packages (vtr_testing_<...>
), you can find the following two bash script:
All you need to do is run one of the above bash scripts inside the contaner.
bash <path to parallel_test_odometry.sh or parallel_test_localization.sh>
For example,
bash ${VTRRROOT}/src/vtr_testing_radar/script/parallel_test_localization.sh
Then monitor progress by going to the log file of each test.
The log file should be located at
~/ASRL/temp/[radar, lidar, radar_lidar]/boreas/<boreas-2020-11-26-13-58>/<boreas-2020-11-26-13-58>/<some name based on time>.log
Understand what these scripts do:
Using parallel_test_odometry.sh
from src/vtr_testing_radar/script
as an example, the script does the following:
- Define sequences we need to run for odometry
# odometry sequences
'boreas-2020-11-26-13-58' # Note this is the localization reference run, you must run this in order to run localization tests
- Set max number of sequences to run in parallel
# maximum number of jobs running in parallel
- Setup up directories
These directories are defined using the environment variables in Setup VTR3 Directories
I suggest you don't change them.
, it is supposed to be the directory that contains all boreas sequences (i.e. boreas-....
). You can create a symlink from boreas dataset on /nas to this directory.
# define the following environment variables VTRR=VTR RaDAR
export VTRRROOT=${VTRROOT}/boreas_vtr_wrapper # location of this repository CHANGE THIS!
export VTRRDATA=${VTRDATA}/boreas/sequences # dataset location (where the boreas-xxxxx folders at) CHANGE THIS!
export VTRRRESULT=${VTRTEMP}/radar/boreas # result location MAYBE CHANGE THIS!
mkdir -p ${VTRRRESULT}
- Define path to test scripts
These are bash scripts that will run odometry test (using ros2 run ...
) and evaluation.
- Run odometry tests in parallel
The following code runs at most GROUPSIZE
odometry tests in parallel by calling the $ODOMETRY_SCRIPT
test script with each of the sequence specified in SEQUENCES
declare -A pids
for seq in ${SEQUENCES[@]}; do
echo "Executing command: bash $ODOMETRY_SCRIPT $seq &>/dev/null &"
### command to execute
bash $ODOMETRY_SCRIPT $seq &>/dev/null &
# wait for all pids to finish if reached group size
if [[ ${#pids[@]} -ge ${GROUPSIZE} ]]; then
for key in ${!pids[@]}; do
wait ${pids[${key}]}
echo "Process ${key} finished with return code ${?}"
unset pids[${key}]
for key in ${!pids[@]}; do
wait ${pids[${key}]}
echo "Process ${key} finished with return code ${?}"
unset pids[${key}]
- Run evaluation
When all sequences are finished, the following code runs pyboreas odometry evaluation on the result of each sequence. You should see output in terminal.
for seq in ${SEQUENCES[@]}; do
echo "Executing command: bash $ODOMETRY_EVAL_SCRIPT $seq"