An addon for VirtualChest that adds a way for enchanting items while an action is submitted
The version of VirtualChest that the plugin depend on should be no lower than 1.0.0-rc-4
Here is an example configuration file that utilizes VirtualChestEnchantments:
virtualchest {
Rows = 1
TextTitle = "&fEfficiency V"
UpdateIntervalTick = 20
Slot4 {
Item {
ItemType = "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe", UnsafeDamage = 0, Count = 1
DisplayName = "&aLeft of right click for enchanting the diamond pickaxe with Efficiency V"
Action {
CommandBefore = "tell: &aEnchant Efficiency V for %player_name%"
Command = "enchant: minecraft:efficiency:5"
KeepInventoryOpen = true
HandheldItem {
ItemType = "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe"
SearchInventory = true