A type safe, simple, intuitive Sponge command builder written in Scala
Example (in the plugin main class annotated with @Plugin
import com.github.ustc_zzzz.simplescalacommandbuilder.SimpleScalaCommandBuilder._
this.registry += command {
name("simplescalacommandtest", "ssctest", "ssct")
description("Test Command for SimpleScalaCommandBuilder.")
command {
name("test-send", "send", "ts", "s")
executor("test-string".str and "test-number".int and ("test-sender".player or src).only.required) {
case (str, int, player) =>
player.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.GREEN, f"$str with $int"))
command {
executor(src and ("gu".literal rep 5) and "world".world) {
case (src, _, worlds) =>
for (world <- worlds; name = world.getWorldName) src.sendMessage(Text.of(f"gu gu gu gu gu gu in $name"))
command {
executor(src and "number".int.all and ("-f".flag or "--format".flag of "format-string".str).only) {
case (src, Nil, _) =>
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.GREEN, "nothing found, and it is 0."))
case (src, ints, Some(format)) =>
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.GREEN, format.format(ints.mkString(" + "), ints.sum.toString)))
case (src, ints, None) =>
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.GREEN, "%s is %s".format(ints.mkString(" + "), ints.sum.toString)))