SchoolManagementProject: 1.Set up N-Tier Architecture. ⦁ Seperate Layer for each project. e.g.
- SMS.Api (Entry Point, Controllers)
- SMS.Application (DTO's, Mappings, Services)
- SMS.Domian (Models, Interfaces)
- SMS.Infrastructure (Data, Migrations, Repositories) So we set each layers as:
- Persentation Layer: Handle user intraction (e.g. Web App or Wen Page)
- Service Layer: Contains Business Logic (e.g. Rules for processing Data)
- Repository Layer: Handles Data Access (e.g. Fetching Data from Db)
- Data Layer: Actual Db or Storage. KET CONCEPTS : ⦁ IRepository Interface : Define Methods the repository must impliment. (e.g. GetAllAsync, GetByIdAsync, CreateAsync, DeleteAsync, UpdateAsync It is like a contract) ⦁ Repository Class : This impliment the IRepository interface and contain actual code to intract with Database. SERVICE LAYER : It use Repository Layer to fetch to fetch or save data to apply rules and transformation to data. KEY CONCEPTS : ⦁ IService Interface : This define methods that Service must impliment (e.g. GetAllAdminAsync, GetAdminByIdAsync, etc) ⦁ Creating Service for each Entity : (e.g, AdminService, TeacherService, StudentService)
WORKFLOW : Http Request (Admin) ====> PRESENTATION LAYER ( Controller recieves req and calls AdminService ) ====> SERVICE LAYER (Service layer calls GetAllAsync on the IAdminRepository) ====> REPOSITORY LAYER (The AdminRepository fetches all admins record from Database and return to AdminService) ====> SERVICE LAYER AGAIN (AdminService transform the data (e.g. maps to )) and return to Controller ====> PERSENTATION LAYER AGAIN .
- Repository Pattren.
- N-Tier Architecture.
- SOLID Priniciples
- Class Libraries.
- Seperation Of Concern.