I want to supply a console for storing mind context. The idea is to be able to make a context switch without loss of data. There will be a couple of threads.
Each thread has:
- A stack - thats extremely useful for go back from one thought that was spreaded from another.
- A memory - not like computers, threads will have a memory which will make the whole thing of storing data and pull it very convenient.
- An event loop - for sending events from one thread to other. You can send message to the main thread, like "go to launch" at specific time. Or you can send a more soficticated event for documentation, like "this command returns these results".
A key-value memory
Here is an example for how this is work:
> push Idea1
> push Idea2
> push Idea3
> info stack
> pop
> info stack
run "help" in order to see the whole list of commands:
main> help
Available commands are:
help: Shows help
Creates a new thread.
param name: the name of the thread. you can pass nothing
and a special name will be generated for you
Switches to other thread.
param name: the thread name
Deletes thread.
param name: the thread name
Get a list of all threads, also will mark the current thread by "[+]"
Pushes data to the stack
Pops the last element that was inserted to the stack
Sets a key in memory to the given value.
Syntax: "<key>" : "<value>"
Gets a value that was stored in a given key.
param key: the key that was related to the data
Get info about the thread.
available subcommands:
info stack - displays the thread stack
info memory - displays the thread memory
exit: Exits the console
Will run the rest of the line as shell command
Will run IPython shell
Search a phrase.
param phrase: a phrase to search
A comment, will not be executed
Search a phrase in google.
syntax: google [push|set] phrase
param push: push the first result to the stack
param set: set the phrase in memory to the first result
param phrase: a phrase to search in google
Gets wikipedia info about something
Syntax: wiki [push|set] phrase
Gets msdn about function
param function_name: the function to get msdn about
Gets man page
syntax: man <topic> [section]
Gets wikidata page.
Syntax: wikidata <title>
Sends a message to other thread
Syntax: send <thread_name> <data>
In data you can pass "cmd <cmd>" to execute a console command in the target thread_name context
Sets alarm in current thread
Syntax: alarm <miliseconds_offset> data
Also you can type a text wrapped by "`" in order to run to run it with python.
for example: "push `1+1`" will push 2).
In a similar way you can wrap a text by "$" in order to run it with the command line.
I want to combine it with my tags-db project, an automated tagging So when the user will type: "remind " He will get a related memory, then a raw_input('phrase: ') to catch a phrase
- There was a weird problem with pip. When installing a package it says:
File "/home/user/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__init__.py", line 2121, in _rebuild_mod_path
AttributeError: '_NamespacePath' object has no attribute 'sort'
I solved it by edit the line to:
- If you can't see other languages than english in linux, run this command before running the main.py:
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
and open main.py in new bash 3. In order to debug it, you can't just run:
python3 ./main.py
This will lead to an error like:
ImportError: cannot import name 'console'
So, in order to run it you need to run the script:
PYTHONPATH=$PWD:$PYTHONPATH ./scripts/human_context_switcher
If you want to run it from python console, and you already installed the package, you can preempt the folder by:
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())