A simple app that allows to query a LoRaWAN device on a Network Server. Only Everynet NS is supported currently.
Fetch all dependencies:
$ yarn install
Create a .env configuration file:
AUTH_TOKEN must be obtained from the network provider.
ALLOWED_USER is the only user that can login.
PASSWORD_HASH is a bcrypt hash of a password. This must be created and added to .env file before the app is used.
Always restart the application after changing the .env file.
Start the app in dev mode:
$ yarn run dev
or start the app in production mode:
$ yarn run start
You may run the as an OCI compliant container. You need to build a container image first. For that please make sure you have all the necessary tools installed. We will use podman for building the container. For more details on what to install before using podman please refer to podman's web site.
$ podman build --tag 123arol:0.0.1-x86_64 -f Dockerfile
Upon success you may run the container:
$ podman run -d --net host --name 123arol 123arol:0.0.1-x86_64
Kudos to the Multiarch and QEMU projects for making it easy to run "foreign" binaries (ie. software that was built for a different hardware architecture).
We can build 123arol for aarch64 (suitable for Raspberry Pi 3B+ and above) and then run that image on our x86 host. This is good for testing purposes, but the real reason of doing this is of course to prepare an aarch64 image. That image can be shared via a container image registry and let anybody download and install it quickly on Raspberry Pi (or other aarch64 hardware).
This is how the aarch64 variant of selfie can be built on x86:
$ sudo podman run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
$ podman build --tag 123arol:0.0.1-aarch64 -f Dockerfile.aarch64
Upon success you may run the container using the aarch64 image:
$ podman run -d --net host --name 123arol 123arol:0.0.1-aarch64
Coming soon.