ACME Learning Center Platform, illustrating development with Java, Spring Boot Framework, and Spring Data JPA on MySQL Database. It also illustrates open-api documentation configuration and integration with Swagger UI.
- OpenAPI Documentation
- Swagger UI
- Spring Boot Framework
- Spring Data JPA
- Validation
- MySQL Database
- Domain-Driven Design
This version of ACME Learning Center Platform is divided into two bounded contexts: Profiles, and Learning.
The Profiles Context is responsible for managing the profiles of the users. It includes the following features:
- Create a new profile.
- Get a profile by id.
- Get all profiles.
This context includes also an anti-corruption layer to communicate with the Learning Context. The anti-corruption layer is responsible for managing the communication between the Profiles Context and the Learning Context. It offers the following capabilities to other bounded contexts:
- Create a new Profile, returning ID of the created Profile on success.
- Get a Profile by Email, returning the associated Profile ID on success.
The Learning Context is responsible for managing the courses, course learning paths and course enrollments. Its features include:
- Create a Course.
- Get a Course by id.
- Update a Course information.
- Delete a Course.
- Get all Courses.
- Add an existing Tutorial to Course Learning Path.
- Register a new Student with implicit profile creation.
- Submit a Student Enrollment Request in a Course.
- Cancel a Student Enrollment Request in a Course.
- Confirm a Student Enrollment Request in a Course.
- Reject a Student Enrollment Request in a Course.
- Get all Enrollments for a Course.
This context includes also an anti-corruption layer to communicate with the Profiles Context. The anti-corruption layer is responsible for managing the communication between the Learning Context and the Profiles Context. It consumes the capabilities offered by the Profiles Context to:
- Create the Profile of a new Student.
- Get the Profile ID of a Student by Email.
Tutorial is a concept that represents a learning resource. It is used to build the learning path of a course. The Tutorial aggregate and its publishing lifecycle are part of the Publishing bounded context, which is beyond the scope of this platform version.
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Boot DevTools
- Validation
- Spring Web
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely: