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IoT Dataset - Hub App

Hub App for the IoT Dataset

This is the repository contains a dataset to test IoT Smart Home networks for security vulnerabilities.

The main components are:

  • a central hub application located in hub.
  • a Smart Home application dataset located in apps.


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├── apps                     # Source code for the smart appliances apps.
├── hub                      # Source code for the hub app.
├── restler                  # Fuzzer
├──   # Docker script to start up the entire network.
├──  # Docker script to start up the entire network.
├──  # Docker script to start up the entire network.
├── dev                      # Helper script to build, run, start functional tests etc.
├── bug_unpatches            # Patches that are injected IoT/Smart Home bugs.
├── mosquitto.conf           # Configs for the mosquitto server.
├── requirements.txt         # Packages dependencies
├──          # Script to test the network.

First Notes

For each IoT app in the Dataset, openapi-generator will be run to generate the corresponding app-api-client.

To generate new app-api-clients you will need to follow the instalation instructions for openapi-generator.

For now we are provinding a script at /client-builders/ A command that will build a custom app list is the following:

python3 -i ../apps/ -o ../hub/clients --apps smartkettle flowerpower smarttv windwow is the hub app, that will import all the generated app-api-clients, and orchestrate different information flows between them.

Installation Notes

First, you need to install the requirements for our command line tool.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker Deployment

You can use ./dev or python3 ./dev CLI tool to manage the project.

To install the dependencies and build docker images, use:

./dev init

To start the dataset, use:

./dev start-all

Local Deployment (x86)

If you want to build the applications on your local machine instead of using docker containers, you should do the following:

  1. Install the dependencies and build the apps:
./dev deps-ubuntu-local
./dev build-local-all
  1. Manually start each app on a different port. Example below:
cd ./apps/flowerpower && ./ 9081
cd ./apps/smarttv && ./ 9082
cd ./apps/smartkettle && ./ 9083
cd ./apps/windwow && ./ 9084
  1. Generate API clients for the hub app:
cd clients_builders/

mkdir -p /opt/openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/
wget \
	-O /opt/openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar

# Generate all clients
./ -i ../apps/ -o ../hub/clients

# Generate custom list of clients
./ -i ../apps/ -o ../hub/clients --apps smartkettle flowerpower smarttv windwow
  1. Modify clients/mergedclients/mergedclients/ to reflect each client hostname and port. We are providing a useful script hub/ to do that. Modify it accordingly.
# Before running `hub/` modify it to reflect your use case
cd hub && ./
  1. Run the hub app:
cd hub
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
cd clients && python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -u src/
  1. Run functional tests:
cd hub/src && behave

Local Deployment (ARM | RaspberryPi)

The deployment on RPi is more detailed in docs/

The main difference is that pistache must be installed from sources.

To fire up the whole dataset, you must:

  1. Install dependencies, pistache.
  2. Build the apps, the hub.
  3. Generate clients API with openapi-generator (e.g. python -i ../apps/ -o ../hub/clients --apps smartkettle flowerpower smarttv windwow).
  4. Start the apps using ./ <port> located in each app base folder.
  5. Edit the script hub/ to match the hostname and the port for each app and execute the script ./
  6. Start the hub by executing python -u src/
  7. To run the functional tests run cd hub/src && behave.


  1. In the docker deployment, all applications start with a delay of 1 second.
  2. There is a single MQTT server runing on the network (hostname mqtt_server). All applications connect to it.
  3. Check if everything started correctly by running ./

How to add new apps

To add new apps, copy the folder apps/app_template, add the sources to it and modify each helper script accordingly.

This template is used to easily/consistently integrate your app into the dataset: It contains:

  • Dockerfile
  • script - instructions to build the app on differen arches.
  • run script - instruction to run the app. It must expose the port.
  • script - dependencies.
  • openapi.yaml - generate API client.

IoT Applications References

Artificially introduced bugs

Bugs introduced in the applications for testing reasons:

  • invalid memory access (segmentation fault) in windwow. Trigger:
curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:9084/settings/luminosity/9999' \
  -H 'accept: text/plain' \
  -d ''
  • no response from server in windwow. Trigger:
curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:9084/settings/invalid' \
  -H 'accept: text/plain'

Behaviour driven testing

After starting the dataset, use the following command to run the tests:

./dev run-functional-tests


After setting up the environment described above, you can bring the RESTler fuzzer into the network to test the applications.

Individual fuzzing

Individual fuzzers can be configured using docker-composer and the image provided in restler/Dockerfile. For example, take a look at the configuration used to test the windwow application (in docker-compose.fuzzing.yaml):

    privileged: true
      context: ./restler
      - iot_dataset # use the same netowrk where our apps are running
      # the target directory must contain an openapi.yaml specification
      - ./apps/windwow:/target
      # output logs of restler will be copied to this directory
      - ./restler/results/windwow:/results

Before running the fuzzer(s), be sure that you already started the target application(s) using the provided environment (see Installation Notes). Then you can use the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.fuzzing.yaml up

You should see the output from RESTler in your terminal and the logs inside the volume you mounted.