- Objects interrelation TestNG - ReportPortal
- Dependencies
- Install listener
- Code example How to overload params in run-time
- Integration code example repository
TestNG provides support for attaching custom listeners, reporters, annotation transformers and method interceptors to your tests. Handling events
TestNG agent can handle next events:
- Start launch
- Finish launch
- Start suite
- Finish suite
- Start test
- Finish test
- Start test step
- Successful finish of test step
- Fail of test step
- Skip of test step
- Start configuration (All «before» and «after» methods)
- Fail of configuration
- Successful finish of configuration
- Skip configuration
TestNG object | ReportPortal object |
SUITE | TestItem (type = SUITE) |
BEFORE_TEST | TestItem (type = BEFORE_TEST) |
TEST | TestItem (type = TEST) |
CLASS | Not in structure. Avoid it |
METHOD | TestItem (type = STEP) |
AFTER_CLASS | TestItem (type = AFTER_CLASS) |
AFTER_TEST | TestItem (type = AFTER_TEST) |
AFTER_SUITE | TestItem (type = AFTER_SUITE) |
TestItem – report portal specified object for representing: suite, test, method objects in different test systems. Used as tree structure and can be recursively placed inside himself.
Add to POM.xml
<!-- TODO Leave only one dependency, depends on what logger you use: -->
Download package here. Choose latest version.
By default, TestNG attaches a few basic listeners to generate HTML and XML reports. For reporting TestNG test events (ie start of test, successful finish of test, test fail) to ReportPortal user should add ReportPortal TestNg listener to run and configure input parameters.
Description of listeners input parameters and how to configure it see “Parameters” in Configuration section. Which are common for all JVM based agents.
There are several ways how to install listener:
- Maven Surefire plugin
- Specify listener in testng.xml
- Custom runner
- Using command line
- Using @Listeners annotation
- Using ServiceLoader
Please note, that listener must be configured in a single place only. Configuring multiple listeners will lead to incorrect application behavior.
Maven surefire plugin allows configuring multiple custom listeners. For logging to Report Portal user should add Report Portal listener to “Listener” property.
<value>false</value> <!-- disabling default listeners is optional -->
If you use maven surefire plugin set report portal listener only in "listener" property in pom.xml.
Here is how you can define report portal listener in your testng.xml file.
<listener class-name="com.example.MyListener" />
<listener class-name="com.epam.reportportal.testng.ReportPortalTestNGListener" />
TestNG allows users to create own runners. In this case user can instantiate listener by himself and add it to TestNG object.
ReportPortalTestNGListener listener = new ReportPortalTestNGListener();
TestNG testNg = new TestNG();
List<String> lSuites = Lists.newArrayList();
Collections.addAll(lSuites, “testng_suite.xml”);
testNg.addListener((Object) listener);
Assuming that you have TestNG and Report Portal client jars in your class path, you can run TestNG tests with Report Portal listener as follows:
java org.testng.TestNG testng1.xml –listener com.epam.reportportal.testng.ReportPortalTestNGListener
Report Portal listener can be set using @Listener annotation.
public class FailedParameterizedTest {
@Listeners annotation will apply to your entire suite file, just as if you had specified it in a testng.xml file. Please do not restrict its scope.
JDK offers a very elegant mechanism to specify implementations of interfaces on the class path via the ServiceLoader class. With ServiceLoader, all you need to do is create a jar file that contains your listener(s) and a few configuration files, put that jar file on the classpath when you run TestNG and TestNG will automatically find them. You can use service loaded mechanism for adding Report Portal listener to test execution. Please see detailed information here:
http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#testng-listeners 5.17.2 - Specifying listeners with ServiceLoader.
As a sample you can use code for Override UUID in run-time
public class MyListener extends BaseTestNGListener {
public MyListener() {
super(Injector.create(Modules.combine(Modules.override(new ConfigurationModule())
.with(new Module() {
public void configure(Binder binder) {
Properties overrides = new Properties();
overrides.setProperty(ListenerProperty.UUID.getPropertyName(), "my crazy uuid");
PropertiesLoader propertiesLoader = PropertiesLoader.load();
new ReportPortalClientModule(),
new TestNGAgentModule()
There is an code example, based on TestNG test: