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A library to work with CPFs.

Hex pm CircleCI Coverage Status

CPF is an acronym for "Cadastro de Pessoa Físicas," it's a unique number associated to a person that the Brazilian government maintains. With this number, it is possible to check or retrieve information about a person.

This library provides a validation that checks if the number is a valid CPF number. The CPF has check digit algorithm is similar to ISBN 10, you can check the details in Portuguese here.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding cpf to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:cpf, "~> 1.2"}

Quick Start

You can verify if a CPF is valid by calling the function CPF.valid?/1:

iex> CPF.valid?(563_606_676_73)

iex> CPF.valid?(563_606_676_72)

iex> CPF.valid?("563.606.676-73")

iex> CPF.valid?("563.606.676-72")

iex> CPF.valid?("56360667673")

iex> CPF.valid?("56360667672")

Parsing and Storing CPFs

If you want to store CPF as integer or as String.t, this library have you covered. You can do:

iex> "044.858.476-08" |> CPF.parse!() |> CPF.to_integer()

iex> "044.858.476-08" |> CPF.parse!() |> to_string()

Storing CPF as strings are easier for a human to read since the 0 padding digits are there. Meanwhile, storing as integers will allow you have better performance in CPF lookups.

The CPF.parse/1 and CPF.parse!/1 returns you the CPF value wrapped in a custom type with explicit digits.

iex> CPF.parse("044.858.476-08")
{:ok, #CPF<"044.858.476-08">}

iex> CPF.parse("044.858.476-07")
{:error, %CPF.ParsingError{reason: :invalid_verifier}}

iex> CPF.parse!("044.858.476-08")

iex> CPF.parse!("044.858.476-07")
** (CPF.ParsingError) invalid verifier

With the casted CPF in hands, you can use CPF.format/1, CPF.to_integer/1 and to_string/1.

CPF Formatting

If you have a valid CPF strings or integer in hands, you can use and in sequence call CPF.format/1:

iex> 4485847608 |> |> CPF.format()

iex> "04485847608" |> |> CPF.format()

The CPF.format/1 expects the input be wrapped in the CPF type. Remember, only use with valid CPFs, no other checks are done there. If you need some validation, use CPF.parse/1.

Generating random CPFs for testing

You can generate valid CPF numbers by using CPF.generate/0:

iex> CPF.generate()

iex> CPF.generate() |> to_string()

iex> CPF.generate() |> CPF.to_integer()

iex> CPF.generate() |> CPF.format()

After you generate the CPF, you can turn the CPF into a formatted string, or convert to a string digits, or convert to integer.

Flexibilizing the CPF validation

You can use CPF.flex/1 when you only care if the user has provided the correct number before any validation or parsing. For example:

iex> "04.4.8*58().476-08" |> CPF.flex() |> CPF.valid?()

iex> "04.4.8*58().476-08" |> CPF.flex() |> CPF.parse!() |> CPF.format()

It can be useful to take a user's dirty input and format it.

Command line

You can generate random valid CPFs with:

$ mix cpf.gen

$ mix cpf.gen --format=digits --count=2

You can also check if CPF are valid with:

$ mix cpf.check 194.925.115-25

Run mix help cpf.gen and mix help cpf.check to read a further explanation about the commands available options.

Ecto Integration

If you have ecto installed in your application, you can use the module CPF.Ecto.Type or CPF.Ecto.Changeset to cast and validate CPF fields.

Using CPF.Ecto.Type

If you like the strictness of types you can user CPF.Ecto.Type functions to define in your schema the CPF field type. For example:

defmodule MyApp.Profile do
  use Ecto.Schema

  import Ecto.Changeset
  # Import the parameterized type function
  import CPF.Ecto.Type

  schema "profiles" do
    # use `cpf_type/1` in the field type definition
    field :cpf, cpf_type(:string)

  def new(enum \\ %{}), do: struct!(__MODULE__, enum)

  def changeset(profile, params), do: cast(profile, params, __schema__(:fields))

It will prevent any attempt to insert an invalid CPF when using your schema module. For example:

{:error, changeset} =
  |> Profile.changeset(%{cpf: "abilidebob"})
  |> MyApp.Repo.insert()

{"is invalid", [reason: :invalid_format]} = Keyword.get(changeset.errors, :cpf)

Note: it will also prevent queries with invalid CPFs by raising casting error. You might need workaround it if you want to display an empty result with invalid CPFs. For example:

if CPF.valid?(cpf) do
  query = from p in Profile, where: p.cpf == ^cpf

If you're working in a search form, you might want to create a search_form_changeset and validate the search inputs before querying the database.

Using CPF.Ecto.Changeset

If you don't want use type in your CPF fields, you can use CPF.Ecto.Changeset.validate_cpf/2 function to validate a field in your changeset. Example:

CPF.Ecto.Changeset.validate_cpf(changeset, :cpf)

Using this approach you need manually cast the CPF field to store in uniform way. As example, you can do that using the Ecto.Change.prepare_changes/1. Example:

|> CPF.Ecto.Changeset.validate_cpf(:cpf)
|> Ecto.Changeset.prepare_changes(fn changeset ->
  if input = Ecto.Changeset.get_change(changeset, :cpf) do
    string_cpf = input |> CPF.parse!() |> to_string()
    Ecto.Changeset.put_change(changeset, :cpf, string_cpf)

The prepare_changes/2 will be called after the validation and before insert or update in the repository. It gives the developer the opportunity to transform the CPF value in any way they want.

Why not other libraries?

This library runs 3 times faster and consume 3 times less memory and work with primitive types, no extra struct is necessary.


The docs can be found at