The Bus-Reservation-System is a web-based application that allows users to reserve seats on a bus for a particular route and date. The application has a user-friendly interface that allows users to search for available buses, select their preferred seats, and make payments securely.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Framework
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate
- Java
- Swagger UI
- Postman
- Spring Security
- Admin Login Module
- Customer Login Module
- Admin Module
- Customer Module
- Bus Module
- Route Module
- FeedBack Module
- Reservation Module
Admin Login Features :- This module provides the functionality for admin authentication and validation to access the admin dashboard. The following features are included:
- Admins can log in with their username and password.
- The module validates the admin's credentials and generates a session token for the admin to access the admin dashboard.
- The session token is stored securely and used to verify the admin's identity for subsequent requests.
Customer Login Features :- This module provides the functionality for user authentication and validation to access user-specific features. The following features are included:
- Customer can register and create an account with a username and password.
- Customer can log in with their username and password.
- The module validates the user's credentials and generates a session token for the user to access user-specific features.
- The session token is stored securely and used to verify the user's identity for subsequent requests.
Customer Features :- This module provides functionality for managing customer data. The following features are included:
- Add customer: Allows adding a new customer to the system.
- Update customer: Allows updating an existing customer's data, such as their name, email, or address.
- Delete customer: Allows deleting an existing customer from the system.
- View customer by ID: Allows retrieving a single customer's data by their unique ID.
- Admin can View all customers: Allows retrieving a list of all customers in the system, optionally filtered by a search key.
Bus Features :- This module provides functionality for managing bus data. The following features are included:
- Add bus: Admin adding a new bus to the system.
- Update bus: Admin updating an existing bus's data, such as its name, model, or seating capacity.
- Delete bus: Admin deleting an existing bus from the system.
- View bus by ID: Admin and Customer retrieving a single bus's data by its unique ID.
- View buses by type: Admin and Customer retrieving a list of all buses in the system of a particular type.
- View all buses: Admin and Customer retrieving a list of all buses in the system.
Route Features :- This module provides functionality for managing bus data. The following features are included:
- Add bus: Admin adding a new bus to the system.
- Update bus: Admin updating an existing bus's data, such as its name, model, or seating capacity.
- Delete bus: Admin deleting an existing bus from the system.
- View bus by ID: Admin and Customer retrieving a single bus's data by its unique ID.
- View buses by type: Admin and Customer retrieving a list of all buses in the system of a particular type.
- View all buses: Admin and Customer retrieving a list of all buses in the system.
FeedBack Features :- This module provides functionality for managing feedback data. The following features are included:
- Add feedback: Allows a customer to add new feedback to the system.
- Update feedback: Allows a customer to update their existing feedback.
- View feedback: Allows viewing a single feedback's data by its unique ID.
- View all feedback: Admin viewing a list of all feedback in the system.
The following Diagram depicts the flow of our Entity Relation Diagram to simplify the work flow.
- Before running the API server, you have to update the database configuration inside the file
- Update the port number, username and password as per your local database configuration
spring.datasource.username=put your mysql username
spring.datasource.password=put your mysql password
POST /admin/add
: Adds a new admin to the system.POST /admin/login
: Allows an admin to login to the system using their username and password.Request Body
: JSON object representing the admin's login credentialsDELETE /admin/logout/{sessionKey}
:Path Parameters : sessionKey
The session key of the admin to logoutPUT /update/{sessionKey}
:Path Parameters : sessionKey
The session key of the admin to updateRequest Body
: JSON object representing the updated admin detailsDELETE /delete/{sessionKey}
:Path Parameters :sessionKey
The session key of the admin to delete
POST /customer/add
: Adds a new customer to the system.POST /customer/login
: Allows a customer to login with their username and password.Request Body
: CustomerLoginDto object in JSON formatDELETE/customer/logout/{key}
: Allows a customer to logout from the system.Request Header:
Authorization containing the session keyPUT /customer/update/{key}
: Updates an existing customer in the system.Request Header:
Authorization containing the session keyRequest Body:
Customer object in JSON formatDELETE /customer/delete/{id}
: Deletes an existing customer from the systemPath Parameters: id
The ID of the customer to deleteRequest Header:
Authorization containing the session keyGET /customer/view/{id}
: Retrieves a customer by their IDPath Parameters: id
The ID of the customer to retrieveRequest Header:
Authorization containing the session key
POST /buses/add/{key}
: Adds a new bus to the system. Path Parameters: key The authentication key of the admin adding the bus.Request Body
: JSON object representing the new bus's details.PUT /buses/update/{id}/{key}
:Path Parameters: id
The ID of the bus to update. key The authentication key of the admin updating the bus.Request Body
: JSON object representing the updated bus details.DELETE /buses/delete/{id}/{key}
:Path Parameters: id
The ID of the bus to delete. key The authentication key of the admin deleting the bus.GET /buses/views/{id}
:Path Parameters: id
The ID of the bus to view. Returns the details of the bus with the specified ID.GET /buses/viewall
: Returns a list of all buses registered in the system.GET /buses/view/{type}
:Path Parameters: type
The type of bus to view. Returns a list of all buses with the specified type.
POST /route/add/{key}
: Adds a new route to the system.Request Body:
JSON object representing the route details. Path Parameters: key The authentication key of the admin user.PUT /route/update/{id}/{key}
: Updates an existing route in the system.Request Body:
JSON object representing the updated route details.Path Parameters: id
The ID of the route to update. key The authentication key of the admin user.DELETE /route/delete/{id}/{key}
: Deletes a route from the system.Path Parameters: id
The ID of the route to delete. key The authentication key of the admin user.GET /route/views/{id}
: Retrieves the details of a specific route by its ID.Path Parameters: id
The ID of the route to retrieve.GET /route/viewall
: Retrieves the details of all routes in the system.
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