UhooiPicBook-iOS is Uhooi's character book for iOS.
MonsterList | MonsterDetail | ImagePopup |
Activity | Spotlight | iMessage |
Widgets |
MonsterList | MonsterDetail | ImagePopup |
Activity | Spotlight | iMessage |
Widgets |
You can develop UhooiPicBook-iOS.
- Xcode: 12.1
- Swift: 5.3
- Bundler: 2.1.4
- Mint: 0.14.2
- UI implementation: Storyboard + XIB
- Architecture: VIPER
- UITesting architecture: Page Object Pattern
- Branching model: Git-flow
$ git clone https://github.com/uhooi/UhooiPicBook.git
$ cd UhooiPicBook
- Run
make setup
After setup is complete, Workspace automatically opens in Xcode.
Run make help
$ make help
setup Install dependencies and prepared development configuration
install-bundler Install Bundler dependencies
update-bundler Update Bundler dependencies
install-mint Install Mint dependencies
install-cocoapods Install CocoaPods dependencies and generate workspace
update-cocoapods Update CocoaPods dependencies and generate workspace
install-carthage Install Carthage dependencies
update-carthage Update Carthage dependencies
install-templates Install Generamba templates
generate-licenses Generate licenses with LicensePlist and regenerate project
generate-module MODULE_NAME=[module name] Generate module with Generamba and regenerate project
generate-xcodeproj Generate project with XcodeGen
open Open workspace in Xcode
clean Delete cache
build-debug Xcode build for debug
test TEST_DEVICE=[device] TEST_OS=[OS] Xcode test
get-coverage Get code coverage
show-devices Show devices
I would be happy if you contribute :)