Originally reported on Google Code with ID 466
When compressing, precinct width and height for all resolutions except highest resolution
are set to half the value specified in command line.
This seems quite strange to me, particularly when certain specs such as DCP require
fixed precinct size of 256x256.
See this code in tcd.c :
if (resno == 0) {
tlcbgxstart = l_tl_prc_x_start;
tlcbgystart = l_tl_prc_y_start;
/*brcbgxend = l_br_prc_x_end;*/
/* brcbgyend = l_br_prc_y_end;*/
cbgwidthexpn = l_pdx;
cbgheightexpn = l_pdy;
l_res->numbands = 1;
else {
tlcbgxstart = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_tl_prc_x_start, 1);
tlcbgystart = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_tl_prc_y_start, 1);
/*brcbgxend = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_br_prc_x_end, 1);*/
/*brcbgyend = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_br_prc_y_end, 1);*/
cbgwidthexpn = l_pdx - 1;
cbgheightexpn = l_pdy - 1;
l_res->numbands = 3;
Reported by boxerab on 2014-12-25 14:46:50