Vim Statusline Like Emacs Spaceline from ThinkVim
The colorscheme of this image is oceanic_material
- We have airline, lightline, eleline, why make this plugin? They are great plugins, but they are limited and you can't set more separators.
- More separator combinations make the status bar look better, and spaceline handles combinations in different situations, very well. The combination of each area is very good in different situations.
- spaceline is faster than lightline and airline
- middle color of spaceline will match your colorscheme background color (now only default colorscheme space support)
- Easy installed with a plugin manager like vim-plug
Plug 'hardcoreplayers/spaceline.vim'
- coc
- Depends on coc extensions
- vim-devicons
- spaceline provide some separator groups, the default group is
let g:spaceline_seperate_style= 'arrow'
- If you don't like too many symbols in the statusline, just set to
(default is0
let g:spaceline_line_symbol = 0
- Use this setting to change the spaceline colorscheme:
let g:spaceline_colorscheme = 'space'
solarized_dark made by appelgriebsch
- check the thinkvim usage
- You can customize every symbol in spaceline. There are some very useful settings, first, you should set the
let g:spaceline_seperate_mode = 0
- Then set seperators by these settings:
let g:spaceline_homemode_right = ''
let g:spaceline_filename_left = ''
let g:spaceline_filesize_right = ''
let g:spaceline_gitinfo_left = ''
let g:spaceline_gitinfo_right = ''
let g:spaceline_cocexts_right = ''
let g:spaceline_lineformat_right = ''
let g:spaceline_seperate_endseperate = ''
let g:spaceline_seperate_emptyseperate = ''