openedon Mar 20, 2024
Describe the package
First of all, thank you for including a simple one-click method to install oversteer!
Unfortunately though that's not sufficient to use my steering wheel (a Thrustmaster T300RS) because it requires a custom kernel module, which is hid-tmff2.
It's a particularly painful issue because, from what I understand, DKMS packages are not supported by rpm-ostree
, and because of #899 I can't build the module locally either (instead I have to build it in a toolbox where I installed the right kernel headers).
I would propose to include in bazzite all the custom drivers required by oversteer, which are (from the project's README):
- Logitech G923 for PS/PC with new-lg4ff.
- Thrustmaster T150 with t150_driver.
- Thrustmaster TMX Force Feedback with t150_driver.
- Thrustmaster T300 RS with hid-tmff2.
- Thrustmaster T248 with hid-tmff2.
- FANATEC CSL Elite Wheel Base with hid-fanatecff.
- FANATEC CSL Elite Wheel Base PS4 with hid-fanatecff.
- FANATEC ClubSport Wheel Base V2 with hid-fanatecff.
- FANATEC ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5 with hid-fanatecff.
- FANATEC Podium Wheel Base DD1/DD2 with hid-fanatecff.
- FANATEC CSL DD / GT DD Pro Wheel with hid-fanatecff.
Finally, I want to point out that, even when I managed to load the custom module, my wheel wouldn't work on proton games on Steam, so I found hid-tmff2#54 and after adding the following udev rule on it started working properly:
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="044f", ATTRS{idProduct}=="b66e", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess"
I'll let you figure out which udev rules should be added to bazzite by default, considering that a /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/99-thrustmaster-wheel-perms.rules
already exists (and I assume it comes from oversteer) but only changes the permissions to configure the device and not to access it.