- Using our metadata system we can easily GraphQL query for permits.
- import the "login with github" button from
- GraphQL query with authentication for private repos.
- limit to previous 100 results or whatever is the max that GraphQL can return in a single shot
- check if they have already been claimed, if so, discard
- if unclaimed permits are found, import into the UI (we should already support multiple permits to be loaded in the UI)
> <!-- UbiquityOS - - GithubCommentModule.transform - 3b66e4af1489bb5f7beab3e8fa556577bfa50ec1 - @gentlementlegen
> {
> "caller": "GithubCommentModule.transform"
> }
> -->
So now we should be able to go directly to and it should automatically populate the permits.
If we pass in the permit directly (as we do normally) then it should just load the permit as it currently does.
The automatic population should add the permits to the queue after and only if logged in.
I reviewed the updated metadata and we should search for
"UbiquityOS - GithubCommentModule.transform"