I think it would be a really wonderful resource if we could make a page that reproduces the content of this poster (also show below), where each of the charts linked to react-vis examples. Not say that poster is particularly completitionist, eg where are horizon charts, but it provides a nice focus. We already have quite a number of these done as examples, and many more are possible to execute without changing the code base.
If this seems like a good idea I'll break this out into a collection of checkboxes and it can be filed away at gradually. The primary caveat being that we should forgo the geo based ones, uber already has a really good geo tool. Some of the charts will need a bit of modification to the code base to produce or might be best left as examples rather than showcases (eg i think it is very doable to make a chord diagram as component, but I think we're trying to cap the number of new chart types).