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© 2024, Tim Menzies
In our last lecture, we built ranges by combing EWD and EMD (equal width discretization and entropy merge descretization):
- EWD: divide numerics into
$(hi - lo)/16$ :- Then find adjacent bins where one of them has less than
$1/16$ th of the data;- and merge them
- Then find adjacent bins where one of them has less than
- EMD: find adjacent bins where the pattern of classes is very similar
- as measured by entropy
- then merge them.
- If you can merge those 16 bins into less than 16
- then loop to try again
- stopping when you can no longer find anything to merge.
- For code on this, see
in mylo.lua.
Now we:
- sort the ranges
- find the top (say)
$N_1=10$ best ranges - and explore all the
$R=2^{N_1}$ combinations.
Then we:
- sort the rules
- find the top (say)
$N_2=10$ best rules - and report all the
$R=2^{N_2}$ combinations.
For that to work, we need to be able to score ranges and tules the same way
- In code, rules and ranges both have a
function RULES:top(t, u)
table.sort(t, function(a, b) return a.scored > b.scored end)
u = {}
for _,x in pairs(t) do
if x.scored >= t[1].scored * the.Cut then
u[1+#u] = x end end
return l.slice(u, 1, the.Beam) end -- e.g. Beam=10
And we'll need a function that sorts score
s things and returns the top items:
- My
function assumes we are working with two classes, one containing a LIKE number of items and the other containing a HATE number of items. - So we sccore things on how strongly we select for LIKE and avoid HATE.
function RULES:score(t)
return l.score(t, self.goal, self.LIKE, self.HATE) end
function l.score(t, goal, LIKE, HATE, like, hate,tiny)
like, hate, tiny = 0, 0, 1E-30
for klass, n in pairs(t) do
if klass == goal then like=like + n else hate=hate + n end end
like, hate = like / (LIKE + tiny), hate / (HATE + tiny)
if hate > like then return 0 else return like ^ the.Support / (like + hate) end end
Rules mention ranges, ranges mention attributes.
If a rule mentions ranges from different attributes
- Both those ranges have to be true
- That is a conjunction (and
But a rule mentions two ranges from the same attribute
- then that is a disjunction (an
So when we build a rule from ranges, we have to sort those ranges into different buckets for each attribute.
local RULE = is "RULE"
function RULE.new(ranges, rule, t)
rule = isa(RULE, { parts = {}, scored = 0 })
for _, range in pairs(ranges) do
t = rule.parts[range.txt] or {}
t[1 + #t] = range
rule.parts[range.txt] = t end
return rule end
This means that to find out what rows are selected by a rule,
we have to explore the or
s inside the and
function RULE:selects(rows, t)
t = {}; for _,r in pairs(rows) do
if self:_and(r) then t[1+#t]=r end end; return t end
function RULE:_and(row)
for _,ranges in pairs(self.parts) do
if not self:_or(ranges,row) then return false end end
return true end
function RULE:_or(ranges, row, x, lo, hi)
x = row.cells[ranges[1].at]
if x == "?" then return true end
for _, range in pairs(ranges) do
lo, hi = range.x.lo, range.x.hi
if lo==hi and lo == x or lo<=x and x <hi then return true end end
return false end
By the way, it is a little tricky displaying a rule. So ranges are contiguous and, for those rules, we can show less than all the ranges. To combine those rules, we rreuse the greddy agglomerative code we used before.
local _showLess
function RULE:show( ands)
for _, ranges in pairs(self.parts) do
local ors = _showLess(ranges)
local at
for i, range in pairs(ors) do at=range.at; ors[i]=range:show() end
ands[1+#ands]= table.concat(ors, " or ") end
return table.concat(ands," and ") end
-- try and merge contiguous ranges
function _showLess(t, ready, i,u,a)
if not ready then
t = l.copy(t) -- important, since we are about to mess up the y counts
table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a.x.lo < b.x.lo end) end
i, u = 1, {}
while i <= #t do
a = t[i]
if i < #t then
if a.x.hi == t[i + 1].x.lo then
a = a:merge(t[i + 1]) -- warning. the y counts now may be very wrong
i = i + 1 end end
u[1 + #u] = a
i = i + 1 end
return #u == #t and t or _showLess(u,ready) end
We build rules by exploring all subset of interesting ranges.
- All the rules are generated, sorted, pruned, by
(defined above).
local RULES=is"RULE"
function RULES.new(ranges, goal, rowss, self)
for k,v in pairs(rowss) do print(k,#v) end
self = isa(RULES, {sorted={}, goal=goal,rowss=rowss, LIKE=0, HATE=0})
for _, range in pairs(ranges) do range.scored = self:score(range.y) end
self.sorted = self:top( self:try( self:top(ranges)))
return self end
function RULES:likeHate()
for y,rows in pairs(self.rowss) do
if y == self.goal
then self.LIKE = self.LIKE + #rows
else self.HATE = self.HATE + #rows end end end
function RULES:try(ranges, u, rule,n)
for _, subset in pairs(l.powerset(ranges)) do
if #subset > 0 then
rule = RULE.new(subset)
rule.scored = self:score( rule:selectss(self.rowss) )
if rule.scored > 0.01 then u[1+#u] = rule end end end
return u end
Note the last line above.
If the max score is