Due to some issues with one of our Flemish sources, we advice our Dutch/Flemish users to install our latest beta
At present we are working on support for the API V2. A beta release is expected soon.
New version 1.0.7 release based on DataTreeGrab module v1.4.0
17-05-2017 (dtg 1.3.3) With a significant speed increase of in my use case 30% (from 68 minutes to 48 minutes)
10-07-2017 (dtg 1.4.0) With now an even larger speed increase of in my use case 65% to 23.5 minutes (1.72 sec/page)
tv_grab_py_API is an API for creating xmltv compatible tv grabbers. It is the succesor of tv_grab_nl_py version 2.2 making all of its functionallity available to the rest of the world.
- Python 2.7.9 or higher (currently not python 3.x)
- The pytz module
- The requests module
- The DataTreeGrab module
- Connection with the Internet
- Especially under Windows, make sure Python 2.7.9 or higher is installed
- Make sure the above mentioned Python 2 packages are installed on your system
- Download the latest release and unpack it into a directory
- Run:
under Linux:
sudo ./setup.py install
from that directory -
under Windows depending on how you installed Python:
setup.py install
from that directory- Or:
Python setup.py install
from that directory
(the frontend script(s) will install into
C:\Program Files\Python27\Scripts
- Run the frontend (presently only tv_grab_nl3.py) with --configure
- Check the created configuration file ~/.xmltv/tv_grab_nl3.conf and activate the desired channels.
No need for anybody who wants to create a grabber to know much about Python. You mainly must write one or more json data_defs defining one or more sources. These are DataTreeGrab data_defs with some specific extensions.
All retrieved data is stored in an sqlite database which:
speeds up data retrieval
makes it possible to repeatetly access the data again while off-line
Extensive list of user-settable options to give a user maximum oportunity to adapt the program to his or her need.
User setable genre translation tables with developer settable defaults.
Multiple language support (currently English and Dutch).
data_def updates are automatic.
theTVDB.com lookup.