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Dead simple no framework, vanilla js single page router.

NPM version

This package brings a tiny basis for implementing spa routing to your application. It handles <base href>, popstate (back button) and switching pages/components. You implement a method which resolves paths to plain HTML Elements or web components.

It depends on your applications needs how sophisticated that is. Sometimes a simple switchcase is enough, sometimes you might want to extract path & query parameters from the URL or even run async operations before resolving a component.


Configure the <base href="/simple/">.

Create a route resolver for your application. The resolver maps the paths under the base href and returns HTML Elements, which are then used as pages.

        class MyApplicationRouteResolver {
            resolve(lastRoute, currentRoute, router) {
                switch (currentRoute) {
                    case "page1-div": // route /simple/page1-div
                        let div = document.createElement("div");
                        return div;
                    case "page2-webcomponent": // route /page2-webcomponent
                        let component = new SomeFancyComponent();
                        return component;
                    case "":
                        return homePage;
                        return false;

Create the router and assign the route resolver and a route renderer. The route renderer receives the element returned by the resolver and, e.g. adds it to the dom. There are two route renderers available:

  • BodyChildRouteRenderer: Accepts HTMLElement and places them as child of the body
  • ContainerRouteRenderer: Accepts HTMLElement and places inside a container element, which is handed via constructor parameter
new Router(new MyApplicationRouteResolver(), new BodyChildRouteRenderer())
