This is an implementation of CNN for Sentence Classification by Yoon Kim
Four variation of CNN models are implemented in the code defined as
- CNN-rand: Our baseline model where all words are randomly initialized and then modified during training.
- CNN-static: A model with pre-trained vectors from word2vec. All words including the unknown ones that are randomly initialized are kept static and only the other parameters of the model are learned.
- CNN-non-static: Same as above but the pretrained vectors are fine-tuned for each task.
- CNN-multichannel: A model with two sets of word vectors. Each set of vectors is treated as a ‘channel’ and each filter is applied
- Dataset Statistics
Dataset Name | No. of Classes | Average Length of Sentences | Max Length of Sentence | Dataset Size | Number of Word | Number of Words in Word2Vec | Test Data Size |
MR | 2 | 20 | 56 | 10664 | 18779 | 16417 | CV |
SST1 | 5 | 18 | 53 | 11286 | 17200 | 15748 | 2125 |
SST2 | 2 | 18 | 53 | 9142 | 15603 | 14338 | 1749 |
Subj | 2 | 23 | 120 | 10000 | 21335 | 17987 | CV |
TREC | 6 | 11 | 38 | 5952 | 8708 | 7475 | 500 |
CR | 2 | 16 | 105 | 4260 | 5226 | 4755 | CV |
MPQA | 2 | 3 | 36 | 10606 | 6247 | 6084 | CV |
- Dataset Statistics Original Paper
Data | c | l | N | V | Vpre | Test |
MR | 2 | 20 | 10662 | 18765 | 16448 | CV |
SST1 | 5 | 18 | 11855 | 17836 | 16262 | 2210 |
SST2 | 2 | 19 | 9613 | 16185 | 14838 | 1821 |
Subj | 2 | 23 | 10000 | 21323 | 17913 | CV |
TREC | 6 | 10 | 5952 | 9592 | 9125 | 500 |
CR | 2 | 19 | 3775 | 5340 | 5046 | CV |
MPQA | 2 | 3 | 10606 | 6246 | 6083 | CV |
- Training Results
Model | MR | SST-1 | SST-2 | Subj | TREC | CR | MPQA |
CNN-rand | 75.65 | 40.38 | 77.47 | 90.27 | 98.20 | 92.08 | 84.66 |
CNN-static | 80.74 | 47.67 | 86.62 | 93.24 | 98.40 | 92.79 | 89.66 |
CNN-non-static | 80.36 | 47.91 | 85.76 | 93.42 | 98.40 | 93.02 | 89.53 |
CNN-multichannel | 80.59 | 48.75 | 85.25 | 93.48 | 98.80 | 93.42 | 89.61 |
- Training Results Original Paper
Model | MR | SST-1 | SST-2 | Subj | TREC | CR | MPQA |
CNN-rand | 76.1 | 45.0 | 82.7 | 89.6 | 91.2. | 79.8 | 83.4 |
CNN-static | 81.0 | 45.5 | 86.8 | 93.0 | 92.8 | 84.7 | 89.6 |
CNN-non-static | 81.5 | 48.0 | 87.2 | 93.4 | 93.6 | 84.3 | 89.5 |
CNN-multichannel | 81.1 | 47.4 | 88.1 | 93.2 | 92.2 | 85.0 | 89.4 |
The Results are without hyperparameter tuning models, tuning could be applied to achieve results much closer to original paper.
Please refer to results folder to see results achived with hyperparameter variations.
- Training CNN-rand model on MR dataset without/with logging results(example)
python -dataset=MR -dataset_path=<path to dataset>
- Training CNN-static model on MR dataset
python -dataset=MR -dataset_path=<path to dataset> -word2vec_path=<path to word2vec> -keep_embedding_static=True -use_pretrained_vector=True
- Training CNN-non-static model on MR dataset
python -dataset=MR -dataset_path=<path to dataset> -word2vec_path=<path to word2vec> -use_pretrained_vector=True
- Training CNN-multichannel model on MR dataset
python -dataset=MR -dataset_path=<path to dataset> -word2vec_path=<path to word2vec> -use_pretrained_vector=True -use_multi_channel=True
To log the results use argument log_results. Model results are stored in folder results.
python -dataset=MR -dataset_path=<path to dataset> -log_results=True -model_name='CNN-rand'
To save the model use argument save_model along with model_name. Trained model is stored in models folder.
python -dataset=MR -dataset_path=<path to dataset> -log_results=True -model_name='CNN-rand' -save_model
Note: Please check parameters section for complete details. Also, saving the model would slow down the training process.
To predict the class of a sentence
python predict -model_path=<path to torch model> -preprocessor_path=<path to preprocessing class> -sentence=<sentence to predict>
python -model_path=./models/MR_CNN-rand.torch -preprocessor_path=./models/CNN-rand.preprocessor -sentence='The product was not as expected'
Namespace(model_path='./models/MR_CNN-rand.torch', preprocessor_path='./models/CNN-rand.preprocessor', sentence='The product was not as expected')
Sentence : The product was not as expected | neg
python --help
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-dataset DATASET Name of the Dataset to use
-dataset_path DATASET_PATH
Location to the Dataset
-word2vec_path WORD2VEC_PATH
Location to GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin file
-epochs EPOCHS Number of Epochs to train
-epochs_log EPOCHS_LOG
Log Accuracy after every X Epochs
-optimizer OPTIMIZER Select optimizer from "Adam" or "Adadelta"
-lr LR Learning rate to use while training
-use_pretrained_vector USE_PRETRAINED_VECTOR
To use Pretrained vector (word2vec) or not
-embedding_size EMBEDDING_SIZE
Embedding size to be used in case of self trained
embedding only, redundant is using pretrained vector
-keep_embedding_static KEEP_EMBEDDING_STATIC
Would like to train/adjust the Embedding or not
-model_name MODEL_NAME
Provide a name to the model, use the names in the
paper for logging
-save_model SAVE_MODEL
Would like to store the model or not, model is stored
by dataset name and model name arguments provided
-batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch Size to use while training
-use_multi_channel USE_MULTI_CHANNEL
Use multichannel or not
-log_results LOG_RESULTS
Would like to log the final results of the model