Shopp is a product searching tool that scrapes data from three websites, namely, Amazon, TapAz, Aliexpress and displays the products' details.
- Product searching in three websites and displaying results
- Sorting by price
- Changing currency of the product price
- Defining minimum and maximum prices
There are some requirements needed to be installed before running the program.
- Installing flask for python
pip3 install flask
- Installing BeautifulSoup for parsing webpage
pip3 install bs4
- Installing selenium for webdriver
pip3 install selenium
- This program uses Chrome webdriver for automated testing of a web application. This tutorial shows how to download the Chrome webdriver and add it to PATH in different operating systems.
- Clone the project
git clone
- Run the program in CMD or Terminal
# inside the project folder
Open one of the web browsers
Enter one of the following addresses
- Use the features of the app