I could integrate DRAMSys as per the example script in gem5 (SE simulation).
However, I am failing to do so for ARM O3 CPU FS simulation.
I am trying run with ddr4-example.json fil ein DRAMSys and I changed the StoreMode to Store.
ddr4-example.json file of DRAMSys is,
"simulation": {
"addressmapping": "am_ddr4_8x4Gbx8_dimm_p1KB_brc.json",
"mcconfig": "fr_fcfs.json",
"memspec": "JEDEC_4Gb_DDR4-1866_8bit_A.json",
"simconfig": "example.json",
"simulationid": "ddr4-example",
"tracesetup": [
"clkMhz": 200,
"name": "example.stl"
The main change is StoreMode to Store from NoStorage in the simconfig/example.json file.
"simconfig": {
"AddressOffset": 0,
"CheckTLM2Protocol": false,
"DatabaseRecording": true,
"Debug": false,
"EnableWindowing": false,
"PowerAnalysis": false,
"SimulationName": "example",
"SimulationProgressBar": true,
"StoreMode": "Store",
"UseMalloc": false,
"WindowSize": 1000
Error is:
info: Simulated platform: VExpress_GEM5_V1
warn: No dot file generated. Please install pydot to generate the dot file and pdf.
src/sim/ info: Entering event queue @ 0. Starting simulation...
src/dev/arm/ warn: SCReg: Access to unknown device dcc0:site0:pos0:fn7:dev0
Warning: DRAM: Use the blocking mode of DRAMSys with caution! The simulated timings do not reflect the real system!
In file: /home/gem5/ext/dramsys/DRAMSys/src/libdramsys/DRAMSys/simulation/dram/Dram.cpp:273
gem5.opt: src/mem/request.hh:890: uint64_t gem5::Request::getExtraData() const: Assertion `extraDataValid()' failed.
Program aborted at tick 9703200
- The warning is about blocking mode. How can I change configuration to non-blocking mode? and
- Is the error related to the blocking mode?
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