This projects regroups patch versions of Concurrent Y2K OS utilties.
Currently the supported OSes are
- Concurrent CP/M-86 3.1
- Concurrent DOS 3.2
- Concurrent DOS 4.1
- DOS Plus 1.2
Only the PC/XT/AT targets have been tested. I suspect they should work with compupro or others too. I plan to simulators for compupro and rc759 but any help would be welcome.
Utility | CCP/M 3.1 | CDOS 3.2 | CDOS 4.1 | DOS Plus 1.2 |
SDIR | Fixed | Fixed | Fixed | Fixed |
DATE | Fixed | Compliant | Compliant | Compliant |
SHOW | Fixed | Fixed | Compliant | Compliant |
- Fixed indicates that one of the tools need to be updated on the OS distribution.
- Concurrent DOS XM 6.21 seems fully ocmpliant
You can go to and for CP/M-86 1.1 Y2K compliance.
The source for CP/M-86 and Concurrent CP/M-86 oc, sources and binaries is
A cleaned-up distribution and kernel is available at This distribution is working well in virtual environments, patched with all known patches, 'y2k' friendly (it contains the version of tod which sources are in this project) and AT friendly.
To come .... the sources are in PL/M on It may be complicated to standardize a toolset.
In the meantime, the code pattern corrected on all those tools is the same:
emit$date$time: procedure;
if tod.opcode = 0 then
call emitn(.day$list(shl(week$day,2)));
call emitchar(' ');
call emit$slant(month);
call emit$slant(day);
if year>99 then
call emit$bin$pair(year);
call emitchar(' ');
call emit$colon(hrs);
call emit$colon(min);
if tod.opcode = 0 then
call emit$bcd$pair(sec);
end emit$date$time;
The fix is on date display > 99
The date command code is just a bit more involved. The fixes mimic the Y2K fixes of CP/M 3.0 for 8080.