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Jo Colina jsmrcaga

Engineering Manager @shinetools

Kamil Mysliwiec kamilmysliwiec
Creator of @nestjs. Co-Founder of @TrilonIO. @google Developer Expert. Speaker, Trainer and Consultant. OpenSource (OSS) enthusiast.

@nestjs Poland

John O'Reilly joreilly
Mobile Software Engineer

Kraken Tech (Octopus Energy Group) Galway, Ireland

Albin Corén TwoTenPvP
C# & Unity Developer. I love Networking, Security & Cryptography. Leader of @MidLevel. Creator of MLAPI.

IQXR Sweden, Skåne

clemence roumy clemenceroumy
📱 Mobile (Android & Flutter) and 💻 Web developer. Also love creating projects for ⌚WearOS

Nantes, France

laurent velours lvelours

CODINGWEB Angers, France

Ben Cherry bcherry
Product generalist, engineer, and leader. Passionate about building things that people want. LiveKit, Aura Frames, Twitter, and Slide

LiveKit San Francisco, CA

Fabrice Aneche akhenakh
Hacker before it was cool, coder, devops, radio amateur, escaped from Paris 🇫🇷, now in Quebec 🇨🇦 east coast. Canada, East Coast

Martin snwfdhmp

reach me out for projects earth://europe/france

Aidan Follestad afollestad
Staff L6 Android (and "part-time full stack") Engineer @square 🧑‍💻 Apple fan 📱 Motorcycle and EV enthusiast 🏍️ Gamer 🎮

@square St. Paul, Minnesota

Brosseau Valentin c4software
Dev Web, créateur de framework et de librairies en tous genres. Réutilisation et simplification sont mes moteurs!

Playmoweb France

Tom Quinn thquinn
At Seesaw, formerly of @facebook, @google, and @animoto.

Seesaw New York City

Niklas Baudy vanniktech
Remote Software Engineer
Randall Degges rdegges
I'm just a happy programmer that likes to hack stuff.

@snyk Bay Area | Bend, Oregon

Doug Stevenson CodingDoug
Solopreneur and consultant (

Roman Nurik romannurik

@google New York, NY

Frédéric Dinand fredericdnd
React Native developer

@WeWard-SAS Angers

AMIT SHEKHAR amitshekhariitbhu
Co-Founder @ Outcome School | Coder | Teacher | Mentor | Open Source | IIT 2010-14 | Android | Machine Learning | Backend

@OutcomeSchool New Delhi, India

Chris Banes chrisbanes

Android Engineer Bath, UK

Mehdi Lahmam mehlah

Grinta Saint-Etienne, France

Jake Wharton JakeWharton

@cashapp / @square Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Nathan Friedly nfriedly
Husband & Dad, Minister, Software Ninjaneer.

@FullStoryDev Troy, Ohio, USA

Scot Scriven itchix

Trainsweateat Angers France

Clément Delafargue divarvel

Penazen consulting Nantes, France

Antoine Barré Pomanks
iOS Developer @livingpackets. Indie dev making Popcorn Movies. Twitter: @Pomanks

@livingpackets Nantes

Steve Grosbois kwiky
#Android developer @playmoweb

Playmoweb Angers, France

remi remilanoes
Cofounder @playmoweb

@playmoweb @dapploy

Jamie York ziadoz
Senior Developer (PHP, Laravel, JS)

Leicestershire, UK

Guillaume gpassebon

@Zaka-Services Bordeaux, France

Martin François mfrancoisnantes
