'Redditor or Robot?' is a game in which players put their bot-sniffing skills to the test. A random subreddit and its corresponding /r/SubredditSimulator user are selected from this list and it's up to you to figure out whether the displayed comment was written by a human... or a bot!
The current subreddit is reloaded when you guess incorrectly or after you've successfully identified 10 consecutive users. 3 mistakes and it's game over!
For the purposes of consistency and simplicity, a bot is defined as one that comments solely on /r/SubredditSimulator. If you encounter a bot masquerading as a human, please submit an issue so it can be added to this list.
git clone https://github.com/tsitu/Redditor-or-Robot.git
npm install
- Change APP_HOST in webpack.config.js to your local IPv4 address or leave it as 'localhost'
- Change 'build/code.min.js' to 'build/code.js' in index.html
npm start
npm install -g eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-react
- Open eslint-config-airbnb/rules/react.js and react-a11y.js in 'npm/node_modules' (via %appdata% on Windows) and make sure that 'ecmaFeatures' is wrapped in 'parserOptions' like so:
parserOptions: {
ecmaFeatures: {
jsx: true,
- Install the ESLint extension and reload VSCode.
- Modify .eslintrc.json if necessary.
- Add the following to your local User\settings.json:
"eslint.validate": [
npm install -g flow-bin eslint-plugin-flowtype
- Install the Flow Language Support extension and reload VSCode.
- Modify src/.flowconfig if necessary and add
/* @flow */
to the top of new files that require type checking. - Add the following to your local User\settings.json:
"flow.pathToFlow": "{PATH_TO_FLOW_BIN}\\{FLOW_VERSION}\\flow.exe",
"javascript.validate.enable": false,
npm install -g uglify-es uglify-js
(if not already installed)npm run build