Data structure for heaps, in Elm.
Install the package:
elm package install TSFoster/elm-heap
Use the heap:
import Heap exposing (Heap, smallest, biggest, by, thenBy)
type alias Person =
{ firstname : String
, surname : String
, age : Int
init : Heap Person
init = Heap.empty (smallest |> by .surname)
defaultPeople : Heap Person
defaultPeople =
Heap.fromList (biggest |> by .surname |> thenBy .firstName |> thenBy .age)
[ { firstname = "Anders", surname = "And", age = 83 }
, { firstname = "Bruce", surname = "Bogtrotter", age = 8 }
, { firstname = "Charlie", surname = "Chaplin", age = 88 }
, { firstname = "Donald", surname = "Duck", age = 83 }
For full documentation, see
git clone
cd elm-heap
npm install elm-doc-test && elm-doc-test && elm-test tests/Doc/Main.elm