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Move to a single branch release flow on "main" branch #216



As @haworku and @eamahanna witnessed, our current release flow is flawed:

  • Merging the release branch into master requires that we also have to keep develop up-to-date with the release branch changes. This means an extra PR that must be approved
  • Since we've transitioned to using squash & merge on this repo exclusively, the workflow of develop -> release branch -> master -> develop breaks with a linear commit history, and also results in a loss of commit history since release PRs are squashed on master

My suggestion is the following:

  • Deprecate the current master branch and use only one main branch for active development and stable versions (naming can be TBD)
  • Stable versions will always be accessible via their associated tag.
    • Version tags should be checked out if the code at a specified version needs to be examined, or when making maintenance fixes.
  • The new release flow will be: main branch -> create release branch, update version/changelog -> approve release branch PR -> merge release into main branch -> tag and publish


  • Removes extra step of merge into master and also into develop
  • Removes potential confusion of which branch a release PR should be based off
  • Keeps a cleaner commit history using squash & merge (the release branch merges will always just reflect the chore: release commit, which should always only be the new version number and changelog updates)
  • Release hotfixes should be made directly off of develop (and merged back into it)


  • From the time of creating the release branch, all other merges to develop should be prevented until the release has been completed. Otherwise we risk publishing a release that has unaccounted-for changes.
    • Mitigation: I would argue that right now, this project is small enough that we can mitigate that from happening with good team communication. Release PRs should take priority over any other PR reviews, and anyone issuing a new release can communicate via Slack that no PRs should be merged until it's completed.
    • Mitigation: if new work does get merged in while a release PR is open, it can be resolved by requiring release-* branches always require being up to date with their base branch before being merged (this is a Github branch protection setting)


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high priorityActive blocker for a current project or just urgenttype: developmentEnhancements to the development workflow


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