Uzh is a tiny compiler for FPGA soft processor Zmey (32-bit stack-based architecture with multithreading support).
Uzh language is a statically compiled subset of Python.
Uzh is based on raddsl toolset.
Simple example: controlling of WS2812B-based LED strip.
# a function with host decorator is for compile-time execution
# you may use all Python features here
def make_sine_table(size):
return [127 * math.sin(2 * math.pi * i / size) + 127 for i in range(size)]
# sine_table will be placed in the data memory
sine_table = make_sine_table(32)
# buf will be placed in the data memory
buf = [0, 0, 0] * 54
# main function will be placed in the code memory
# and will be called on startup
def main():
phase = 0
while True:
for i in range(len(buf)):
buf[i * 3] = sine_table[(i + phase) & (len(sine_table) - 1)]
ws_send_buf(buf, len(buf))
phase += 1