Unimus is a networking equipment configuration management solution.
IMPORTANT: Unimus is a paid service for more than 5 devices
The Hass.io Unimus add-on allows you to run a local Unimus server.
The installation of this add-on is straightforward and easy to do.
- Navigate in your Home Assistant frontend to Hass.io -> Add-on Store.
- Add a new repository by URL
- Find the "unimus" add-on and click it.
- Click on the "INSTALL" button.
To use this add-on, you need to supply the config for Unimus to connect to your database.
- Requires you have a mariadb server available (can I suggest another addon)
- You will need your licence key from the Unimus Portal
You always need to provide the following entries within the configuration:
Really Important The first time you launch Unimus - you will be taken to the wizard.
If you make changes to the settings in the wizard, they will work until your addon restarts and the configuration file is overwritten.
"license": {
"key": "L-d348ee9a-3525-417b-923d-54cd0008d12b"
"encryption": {
"key": "reallyCoMPlex-Key-HERE"
"database": {
"host": "core-mariadb",
"port": "3306",
"name": "unimus",
"user": "unimus",
"password": "supersecret"
"ssl": false,
"certfile": "fullchain.pem",
"keyfile": "privkey.pem"