A C linux interface to the Ceva BNO08x FSM300 FSM305 motion IMU devices to run on a Raspberry PI or similar processor.
A C based console program to setup and read data from a CEVA Hillcrest Bosch IMU Gyro devices. iSpecifically this has been tested with the BNO085 and FSM305 but I suspect will work with other similar Ceva/Hillcrest Motion devices. This program is targed to run on the Raspberry Pi and tested with a model 4. This program has been written to support I2C interface using the BCM2835 library, the /dev/i2c-1 device, and the /devi2c-3 (gpio interface). There is a hardware abstraction layer in the apiBNO.c file so if you wanted add SPI or UART it should be pretty straight forward - just generated specific open,send,read,close functions and align the function pointers in a section of code towards the top as:
send_data = send_i2c_bcm;
read_data = read_i2c_bcm;
bno_open = open_i2c_bcm;
bno_close = close_i2c_bcm;
Also my project requirements are to post the data to a shared memory location /dev/shm/gyro0. You can comment out this part of the code if you like.
You will need to download the BCM2835 library which can be found here
Install the bcm2835 by configure and make. If you don't want to use this library you can comment out the includes in the dot h files. This library works well with older Pi's and older OS.
Next step is issue a
> make
In the project directory.
There has been significant issue with I2C compliance of the Bno chips and the I2C bus. In older PI's it is advisable to use the BCM2835 library. I have test with a Raspberry PI 4 and 64-bit bookworm PI OS and the BCM2835 library no longer works. But the I2C device does. You can enabling the I2C bus with the following lines in the config.txt
dtparam=i2c_arm=on dtparam=qi2c_arm_baudrate=400000
On reboot this should build the /dev/i2c-1 device and then you should be able to go
>./bin/GyroBno.exe -d /dev/i2c-1
If that doesn't work (and it didn't in some cases) you can try the gpio device. Add the following line in the config.txt
This will create a device /dev/i2c-3 and you should be able to
>./bin/GyroBno.exe -d /dev/i2c-3
To get it work
> ./bin/GyroBno.exe [-d i2c-device] [-f feature-set-hex] [-p get-product-id]
> -d : Must be either bcm2835 or existing i2c device in /dev
> -f : Feature set hex number of ST-2 manual. It defaults to feature set 0x2A.
> -p : retrieved product id (ie firmware version of Bno08x chip
I validated the gyro angular velocity reported via report id 0x2A by fixing the BNO08x gyro to a turn table along with a Witmotion gyro. The results are shown here.
Gyro1 trace is the BNO085 (actually FSM305) and Gyro2 trace is the Witmotion HWT905
The BNO device has slightly lower latency. It also supports a faster data cycle of up to 1000 Hz using the inputGyroRv or report id 0x2A. See plot below where the BNO085 picks up on a motion ramp a few samples before the Witmotion device.
Note while evaluating the BNO Ceva Hillcrest with the Witmotion device I found a problem with the witmotion hwt905 device where if configured in gyro calibrate mode (with the compass) the Witmotion has erroneous jumps. You can see the notes here:
I used bits and pieces of code I found various places on the web and there is some global data used in the api since the code I borrowed was being used on a MCU vice on a Raspberry PI. I may go back and clean this up when I get time.