Hi. I have a similar case as resolved in this issue. Here's my config, slightly modified from here:
net {
type = "mainnet"
storage {
db {
engine = "LEVELDB"
sync = false
directory = "database"
index {
directory = "index"
transHistory {
switch = "on"
properties = []
needToUpdateAsset = true
dbSettings {
levelNumber = 7
blocksize = 64
maxBytesForLevelBase = 256
maxBytesForLevelMultiplier = 10
level0FileNumCompactionTrigger = 4
targetFileSizeBase = 256
targetFileSizeMultiplier = 1
backup {
enable = false
propPath = ""
bak1path = "bak1/database"
bak2path = "bak2/database"
frequency = 10000
balance {
history {
lookup = false
node {
discovery {
enable = true
persist = true
backup {
port = 10001
priority = 8
keepAliveInterval = 3000
members = []
trustNode = ""
walletExtensionApi = true
listen {
port = 18888
connection {
timeout = 2
fetchBlock {
timeout = 200
tcpNettyWorkThreadNum = 0
udpNettyWorkThreadNum = 1
maxConnections = 30
minConnections = 8
minActiveConnections = 3
maxConnectionsWithSameIp = 2
maxHttpConnectNumber = 50
minParticipationRate = 15
isOpenFullTcpDisconnect = false
p2p {
version = 11111
active = []
passive = []
fastForward = [
http {
fullNodeEnable = true
fullNodePort = 8090
solidityEnable = true
solidityPort = 8091
rpc {
port = 50051
maxConnectionIdleInMillis = 60000
minEffectiveConnection = 1
dns {
treeUrls = []
jsonrpc {
httpFullNodeEnable = true
httpFullNodePort = 8545
httpSolidityEnable = true
httpSolidityPort = 8555
metrics {
prometheus {
enable = "true"
port = "9527"
crypto {
engine = "eckey"
rate {
limiter {
http = []
rpc = []
seed {
node {
ip {
list = [
genesis {
block {
assets = [
accountName = "Zion"
accountType = "AssetIssue"
address = "TLLM21wteSPs4hKjbxgmH1L6poyMjeTbHm"
balance = "99000000000000000"
accountName = "Sun"
accountType = "AssetIssue"
address = "TXmVpin5vq5gdZsciyyjdZgKRUju4st1wM"
balance = "0"
accountName = "Blackhole"
accountType = "AssetIssue"
address = "TLsV52sRDL79HXGGm9yzwKibb6BeruhUzy"
balance = "-9223372036854775808"
witnesses = [
address = "THKJYuUmMKKARNf7s2VT51g5uPY6KEqnat"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000026
address = "TVDmPWGYxgi5DNeW8hXrzrhY8Y6zgxPNg4"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000025
address = "TWKZN1JJPFydd5rMgMCV5aZTSiwmoksSZv"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000024
address = "TDarXEG2rAD57oa7JTK785Yb2Et32UzY32"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000023
address = "TAmFfS4Tmm8yKeoqZN8x51ASwdQBdnVizt"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000022
address = "TK6V5Pw2UWQWpySnZyCDZaAvu1y48oRgXN"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000021
address = "TGqFJPFiEqdZx52ZR4QcKHz4Zr3QXA24VL"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000020
address = "TC1ZCj9Ne3j5v3TLx5ZCDLD55MU9g3XqQW"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000019
address = "TWm3id3mrQ42guf7c4oVpYExyTYnEGy3JL"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000018
address = "TCvwc3FV3ssq2rD82rMmjhT4PVXYTsFcKV"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000017
address = "TFuC2Qge4GxA2U9abKxk1pw3YZvGM5XRir"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000016
address = "TNGoca1VHC6Y5Jd2B1VFpFEhizVk92Rz85"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000015
address = "TLCjmH6SqGK8twZ9XrBDWpBbfyvEXihhNS"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000014
address = "TEEzguTtCihbRPfjf1CvW8Euxz1kKuvtR9"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000013
address = "TZHvwiw9cehbMxrtTbmAexm9oPo4eFFvLS"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000012
address = "TGK6iAKgBmHeQyp5hn3imB71EDnFPkXiPR"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000011
address = "TLaqfGrxZ3dykAFps7M2B4gETTX1yixPgN"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000010
address = "TX3ZceVew6yLC5hWTXnjrUFtiFfUDGKGty"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000009
address = "TYednHaV9zXpnPchSywVpnseQxY9Pxw4do"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000008
address = "TCf5cqLffPccEY7hcsabiFnMfdipfyryvr"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000007
address = "TAa14iLEKPAetX49mzaxZmH6saRxcX7dT5"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000006
address = "TBYsHxDmFaRmfCF3jZNmgeJE8sDnTNKHbz"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000005
address = "TEVAq8dmSQyTYK7uP1ZnZpa6MBVR83GsV6"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000004
address = "TRKJzrZxN34YyB8aBqqPDt7g4fv6sieemz"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000003
address = "TRMP6SKeFUt5NtMLzJv8kdpYuHRnEGjGfe"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000002
address = "TDbNE1VajxjpgM5p7FyGNDASt3UVoFbiD3"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000001
address = "TLTDZBcPoJ8tZ6TTEeEqEvwYFk2wgotSfD"
url = ""
voteCount = 100000000
timestamp = "0"
parentHash = "0xe58f33f9baf9305dc6f82b9f1934ea8f0ade2defb951258d50167028c780351f"
localwitness = []
block {
needSyncCheck = true
maintenanceTimeInterval = 21600000
proposalExpireTime = 259200000
vm {
supportConstant = false
maxEnergyLimitForConstant = 100000000
minTimeRatio = 0.0
maxTimeRatio = 5.0
saveInternalTx = "true"
saveFeaturedInternalTx = "true"
committee {
allowCreationOfContracts = 0
allowAdaptiveEnergy = 0
event {
subscribe {
native {
useNativeQueue = true
bindport = 5555
sendqueuelength = 1000
path = ""
server = ""
dbconfig = ""
contractParse = true
topics = [
triggerName = "block"
enable = false
topic = "block"
solidified = false
triggerName = "transaction"
enable = false
topic = "transaction"
solidified = false
ethCompatible = false
triggerName = "contractevent"
enable = false
topic = "contractevent"
triggerName = "contractlog"
enable = false
topic = "contractlog"
redundancy = false
triggerName = "solidity"
enable = true
topic = "solidity"
triggerName = "solidityevent"
enable = false
topic = "solidityevent"
triggerName = "soliditylog"
enable = false
topic = "soliditylog"
redundancy = false
filter {
fromblock = ""
toblock = ""
contractAddress = []
contractTopic = []
Here's the request I'm making to test:
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8545' --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_chainId","params":[],"id":64}'