Chợ Tốt
- Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
(UTC +07:00) - https://int3ractive.com
- @trongthanh
- @trongthanh@mas.to
Good enough syntax highlight for MDX in Neovim using Treesitter
Make websites accessible for AI agents
🚀 Level up your GitHub profile readme with customizable cards including LOC statistics!
Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot
fast-stable-diffusion + DreamBooth
markdown preview plugin for (neo)vim
My home page and blog using Eleventy and Netlify.com
Multiple cursors plugin for vim/neovim
A lightweight polyfill library for Promise-based WebExtension APIs in Chrome
⚙️ oh-my-zsh aliases for common pnpm commands.
❤️ Streaming torrent app for Mac, Windows, and Linux
Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
An independent and privacy-friendly solution to embed HTML, CSS and JS code examples
A slack app + bot that sends kudos to your fellow peers on the workspace.
Hooks to build things like tooltips, dropdown menu's and popovers in React
A simple plugin to add Google Cloud Storage support for Ghost Blog
An Eleventy starter project built to be fast
A DLNA, UPnP and HTTP(S) Media Server.
💻 Console application for creating dynamic wallpapers for macOS Mojave and newer
Customizable JavaScript syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
A build system for creating cross-platform styles.